Who Am I?

My name is Alex and I live in Sydney NSW (Australia). I created this site to host a collection of web applications I developed over time. I have developed a new web framework to assist with rich web application development and currently in the process of developing applications and demos to showcase the framework in action. My contact information is below.

Email Address:

Phone (International):
+61 2 419 445 955
Javaika Please click here to browse my web applications developed using my framework.

In 2013 the Chrome browser commenced deprecation of NPAPI plugins including support for Java, and with this the ability to run Java Applets in the browser. The reasons for this decision were as a result of performance issues, security risks, and the evolution of web technologies and standards.

Major players in the industry to facilitate development of interactive and efficient web applications are React, Angular, and Vue. However, these JavaScript frameworks or libraries can present a high barrier to entry and require an investment of time to learn effectively. Moreover, unlike React, Angular, and Vue which still require direct interaction with HTML and CSS, my framework fully abstracts UI creation into JavaScript, eliminating the need to write or manage HTML and CSS directly.

In the future I may consider moving the framework to production, however, for now I will be developing some simple applications and demos for demonstration of the framework's capabilities. The framework effectively 'revives' the Applet experience for the modern web with a fully JavaScript-driven UI system that seamlessly integrates into webpages.
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