GPA Calculator
(Calculates a GPA for studies undertaken at college. Supports multiple grading scales.)
Study Planner
(Calculates the study time availability in a week after inserting weekly activities.)
Loan Calculator
(Returns information about a loan. Specifically repayment and outstanding amounts.)
Interest Calculator
(Calculates the interest value on an investment given a specified time frame.)
Currency Converter
(Converts one currency amount into another after providing a currency type.)
Scientific Calculator
(Calculates complex numerical expressions involving brackets and specific functions.)
Area Volume
(Calculates the surface area or volume of shapes or solids.)
Alarm Clock
(Displays an alarm clock allowing adjustment of size, display colour and display type.)
Personal Diary
(Online personal diary to help with keeping track of tasks, schedules and events.)
Digital Metronome
(Simple online digital metronome to use for playing music in time.)
Text Analysis
(Analyses a given text returning the words used in the text including word frequency.)
Grep Regex
(Scans a supplied text printing out lines containing a given search expression.)
Audio Recorder
(Records audio in WAV format. Supports multi input recording with record scheduler.)
Timer Clock
(Displays and records the elapsed time. Provides control functions and alarm setting.)
Button Maker
(Creates customised buttons for webpages. Shape, size and gradient fill supported.)
Online Messaging
(Exchange video messages with friends. Video and audio quality fully customizable.)