❰ This application requires Java to be installed ❱
This simple timer clock provides basic functions to record the elapsed time.
If Java is unavailable on your platform, select 'Load Script' in the navigation menu above to display
an alternative compatible version of the application.
The timer or stopwatch can be started, paused, refreshed and an alarm time can be set. Note that if
any of the alarm settings are selected to 'OFF', the alarm will not be set. You can additionally sample
the elapsed time and add these records to the provided display. The timer will stop counting and the text
will change colour to red once the alarm time has been reached. The alarm can also be terminated by
refreshing the display.
A timer can be used practically for any purpose that requires the measure of speed and agility. They
can be used in sport as a measure of improvement in performance, or for exam practice to improve
time management skills.
» To download application and launch as Java Web Start, click
» To load and use this application in your web browser, click
» Please note that this application requires Java to be installed.
» Java must also be enabled to run inside your browser.
» If using Google Chrome launch as Java Web Start.
» For personal computers you can install Java
(A JavaScript version of this software is available)
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