❰ This application requires Java to be installed ❱
Use this Grep Regex utility to scan text for a phrase.
After entering the search expression, copy and paste (CTRL V) the text into the provided box.
Currently, right click copy and paste is not supported. After the search phrase and text
is entered, click 'run' to display all lines from the text that contain the phrase. You can
turn off case sensitivity with the search, invert the search (show lines that do not contain
the expression) and display the line numbers when a match is found. The output can be copied
to the clipboard and pasted into an external file.
» To download application and launch as Java Web Start, click
» To load and use this application in your web browser, click
» Please note that this application requires Java to be installed.
» Java must also be enabled to run inside your browser.
» If using Google Chrome launch as Java Web Start.
» For personal computers you can install Java
(JavaScript version will be available soon)
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