   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class displays the GUI for the file analyzer program.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2011-07-18

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class TextAnalysisGui extends JApplet implements FocusListener, ComponentListener
   private static final String copyright = "Copyright (c) 2012 by Alexander Wait - All Rights Reserved";
   private static final String APPLET_INTRO = "TYPE OR PASTE (CTRL V) ABOVE";
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
   static boolean isApplication = false;
   static boolean runRestricted = false;
   static boolean isVisible = false;
   private static final int FRAME_SIZE_X = 380;
   private static final int FRAME_SIZE_Y = 550;
   //************************************** START INITIALISATION CODE **************************************//

    * Browser constructor.
   public void init()
      if (!isApplication)
         String copyrightParam = getParameter("copyright");
         if ((copyrightParam == null) || !copyrightParam.equals(copyright)) 
            Message.showMessage("Invalid Copyright", "WARNING", "warning"); 
         else if (!getDocumentBase().getHost().equals(Domain.getDomain()))
            Message.showMessage("Unauthorised Applet Use", "ERROR", "error");
            try {getToolkit().getSystemClipboard();}
            catch (java.security.AccessControlException e) {runRestricted = true;}
            initialiser(); includeResizeEvent(); setSize(FRAME_SIZE_X, FRAME_SIZE_Y); 
            if(runRestricted) {copy.setEnabled(false);}
    * Application constructor.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
   public TextAnalysisGui()
      if (isApplication)
         frame = new JFrame(); 
         frame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(FRAME_SIZE_X, FRAME_SIZE_Y));
         frame.setTitle("Text Analysis Program"); 
    * GUI initializer.
   private void initialiser()
      // Initialize content pane and layout.
      contentPane = getContentPane(); 
      contentPane.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 
      // Initialize text area GUI components.
      header = new JTextArea(); header.setLineWrap(true); 
      header.setWrapStyleWord(true); header.addFocusListener(this);
      header.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 15)); 
      display = new JTextArea(); display.setEditable(false); 
      display.append(Tools.returnNewline(1) + Tools.returnSpace(2) + APPLET_INTRO); 
      // Initialize text field GUI components.
      countDisplay = new JTextField(); countDisplay.setEditable(false);
      // Initialize combo box GUI components.
      frequencyBox = new JComboBox(comboHeading);
      frequencyBox.addActionListener(new ComboBoxHandler());
      // Initialize button GUI components.
      copy = new JButton(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
      copy.setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource

      copy.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
      copy.addActionListener(new CopyButtonListener());
      analyse = new JButton(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
      analyse.setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource

      analyse.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
      analyse.addActionListener(new RunButtonListener());
      // Initialize check box GUI components.
      alphabeticalCheck = new JCheckBox(" ALPHABETICAL SORT ", false); 
      alphabeticalCheck.addItemListener(new HandlerClass());
      frequencyCheck = new JCheckBox(" FREQUENCY SORT ", false); 
      frequencyCheck.addItemListener(new HandlerClass()); 

      // Initialize progress bar GUI components.
      progressBar = new JProgressBar(); 
      // Initialize scroll pane GUI components.
      headerScroll = new JScrollPane(header,

      displayScroll = new JScrollPane(display, 
      // Initialize JPanel GUI components.
      buttonPanel = new JPanel();
      buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEADING));
      buttonPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0));

      // Add GUI components to JPanels.
      buttonPanel.add(copy); buttonPanel.add(analyse);
      // Method calls for GUI initialization.
      gridBagConstraints(); setColors(); setGraphicIcons();
    * Sets the background color.
   private void setColors()
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
    * Sets icons for graphical elements.
   private void setGraphicIcons()
      alphabeticalCheck.setIcon(new ImageIcon
      alphabeticalCheck.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon

      alphabeticalCheck.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon

      alphabeticalCheck.setDisabledSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon
      frequencyCheck.setIcon(new ImageIcon
      frequencyCheck.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon

      frequencyCheck.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon

      frequencyCheck.setDisabledSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon
    * Sets the grid bag layout.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
   private void gridBagConstraints()
      // Initialize grid bag layout of GUI.
      constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
      constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
      // Grid bag constraints 1.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,0,0,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 45;

      constraints.gridwidth = 4;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 0;
      contentPane.add(headerScroll, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 2.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 280;

      constraints.gridwidth = 4;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 1;
      contentPane.add(displayScroll, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 3.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,10,0,5);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 0;

      constraints.gridwidth = 2;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 2;
      contentPane.add(frequencyBox, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 4.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,5,0,10);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 7;

      constraints.gridwidth = 2;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 2; 
      constraints.gridy = 2;
      contentPane.add(countDisplay, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 5.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,20,0,5);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 7;

      constraints.gridwidth = 2;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 3;
      contentPane.add(frequencyCheck, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 6.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,5,0,20);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 7;

      constraints.gridwidth = 2;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 2; 
      constraints.gridy = 3;
      contentPane.add(alphabeticalCheck, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 7.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,35,0,5);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 0;

      constraints.gridwidth = 2;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 4;
      contentPane.add(progressBar, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 8.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,5,0,30);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 0;

      constraints.gridwidth = 2;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 2; 
      constraints.gridy = 4;
      contentPane.add(buttonPanel, constraints);
   //*************************************** END INITIALISATION CODE ***************************************//
   //************************************* START INTERFACE EVENT CODE **************************************//
   private class AnalysisUpdate extends Thread 
      private static final long RUN_DELAY = 600L;

       * Thread that controls render method.
       * @param type
      private AnalysisUpdate(String type) 
         setDaemon(true); run = type;
       * ESCA-JAVA0087:
       * ESCA-JAVA0266:
      public void run() 
         try {sleep(RUN_DELAY);}

         catch (InterruptedException e)
         {System.out.println(Tools.thisPathAndLine() + e + "\n");}


      private String run;

   private class Progress extends Thread 

      private static final long PROGRESS_DELAY = 300L; 

       * Thread that controls progress bar.
      private Progress() 
       * ESCA-JAVA0087:
       * ESCA-JAVA0266:
      public void run() 
         try {sleep(PROGRESS_DELAY);}
         catch (InterruptedException e)
         {System.out.println(Tools.thisPathAndLine() + e + "\n");}


   private class Finalise extends Thread 

       * Thread that controls image loading.
      private Finalise() 
       * ESCA-JAVA0266:
      public void run() 
         try {first.join();}

         catch (InterruptedException e)
         {System.out.println(Tools.thisPathAndLine() + e + "\n");}

         indeterminentMode(false); alphabeticalCheck.setEnabled(true);
         if (isApplication) {analysisComplete = true;}
   public class ComboBoxHandler implements ActionListener 

       * Listener for the combination box. 
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) 
         freq = (String)frequencyBox.getSelectedItem();
         if (!freq.equals("Select (f)"))

   private class HandlerClass implements ItemListener
       * Listener for the check box. 
      private HandlerClass()
         ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); 
         group.add(alphabeticalCheck); group.add(frequencyCheck);

      public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
         if ((!analysisComplete) && (!header.getText().equals("")))
            if ((analysisComplete) || (!isApplication))
               if (frequencyCheck.isSelected())

               if (alphabeticalCheck.isSelected())

   private class RunButtonListener
   implements ActionListener
       * Listener for the 'run' button. 
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
         if ((!analysisComplete) && (!header.getText().equals("")))

   private class CopyButtonListener
   implements ActionListener

       * Listener for the copy button. 
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
         StringSelection ss = new StringSelection(display.getText());
         Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(ss, null);
   public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {header.setText("");}
   public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {}
    * Overrides ComponentListener.
   public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {}
   public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {}
   public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {setContentDisplay(true);}
   public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {setContentDisplay(false);}

   //************************************** END INTERFACE EVENT CODE ***************************************//
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Sets the visibility of the frame.
   public void setVisibility()
      if (isVisible) {frame.setVisible(true);}
      else {frame.setVisible(false);} 
    * Displays or Hides contents of GUI.
    * @param shown
   public void setContentDisplay(boolean shown)
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   //**************************************** START PRIVATE METHODS ****************************************//

    * Initializes the threads.
    * @param category
   private void threadUpdate(String category) 
      first = new AnalysisUpdate(category); second = new Progress(); 
      third = new Finalise(); first.start(); second.start(); third.start();



    * Calls the sort functions.
    * ESCA-JAVA0266: 
    * @param alphabetic
   private void runFrequencyAlphabeticalSort(boolean alphabetic)
      if (alphabetic)
         try {analysis.sortWordsByAlphabetical();}
         catch (NullPointerException e)
         {System.out.println(Tools.thisPathAndLine() + e + "\n");}

         try {analysis.sortWordsByFrequency();}
         catch (NullPointerException e)
         {System.out.println(Tools.thisPathAndLine() + e + "\n");}

    * Sets indeterminate progress. 
    * @param indet
   private void indeterminentMode(boolean indet)
      if (indet)
         progressBar.setString("PROCESSING ...");



    * Switches for different update modes.
    * ESCA-JAVA0266: 
    * @param type 
   private void runAnalysis(String type)
      if (type.equals("scan"))
         analysis = new TextAnalysis(header.getText());

         for (int i = 0; i < analysis.getFrequencyHash().size(); i ++)

      if (type.equals("comboCount"))
         countDisplay.setText(" Count: " + 

      if (type.equals("sortAlphabetically"))

      if (type.equals("sortFrequency"))
    * Window resize event.
   private void includeResizeEvent()
         new ComponentAdapter() 
            public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) 
    * Controls the JApplet component visibility. 
    * ESCA-JAVA0266:
   private void appletDisplayHandler()
      final String ZOOM_WARNING = 
      "It appears that web pages in your browser are zoomed out. \n\n" +
      "In order to display the applet, your browser needs to be set \n" +
      "at its default zoom level of 100% or greater. \n\n" +
      "Sorry about that.";
      if ((getWidth() < FRAME_SIZE_X) || (getHeight() < FRAME_SIZE_Y))
         if (!zoomWarningShown) 
            Message.showMessage(ZOOM_WARNING, "Browser zoom setting", "warning");
            zoomWarningShown = true;

   //***************************************** END PRIVATE METHODS *****************************************//

   //********************************************** START MAIN *********************************************//
    * Main
    * @param a
   public static void main(String[] a)
      isApplication = true;
      isVisible = true;
      new TextAnalysisGui();  
   //*********************************************** END MAIN **********************************************//

    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public JFrame frame;
   private String freq;
   private JPanel buttonPanel;
   private JButton analyse, copy;
   private Container contentPane;
   private TextAnalysis analysis;
   private JTextField countDisplay;
   private JProgressBar progressBar;
   private boolean analysisComplete;
   private boolean zoomWarningShown;
   private JTextArea display, header;
   private Thread first, second, third;
   private JComboBox frequencyBox;
   private GridBagConstraints constraints;
   private String[] comboHeading = {"Select (f)"};
   private JScrollPane headerScroll, displayScroll;
   private JCheckBox alphabeticalCheck, frequencyCheck;
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//


   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class analyzes word statistics within a file.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2011-07-18

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

public class TextAnalysis

   //************************************** START INITIALISATION CODE **************************************//

    * Analyzer constructor.
    * @param text
   public TextAnalysis(String text)
      contents = text;
      analyseFieldWords(); storeUniques();
      storeWordFrequency(); storeUniqueFrequency();

   //*************************************** END INITIALISATION CODE ***************************************//
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//

    * Sorts 'wordHash' and 'wordFrequency' contents by frequency in descending order. 
   public void sortWordsByFrequency()
      for (int i = 0; i < wordFrequency.size(); i ++)
         for (int j = i; j < wordFrequency.size(); j ++)
            if (wordFrequency.get(j) > wordFrequency.get(i))
               String first = wordHash.get(j); 
               String second = wordHash.get(i);
               int freqFirst = wordFrequency.get(j); 
               int freqSecond = wordFrequency.get(i);

               wordHash.set(i, first); 
               wordHash.set(j, second);
               wordFrequency.set(i, freqFirst); 
               wordFrequency.set(j, freqSecond);

    *  Sorts 'wordHash' and 'wordFrequency' by alphabetical order of words. 
   public void sortWordsByAlphabetical()
      for (int i = 0; i < wordHash.size(); i ++)
         for (int j = i; j < wordHash.size(); j ++)
            String wordTest = wordHash.get(j); String wordCompare = wordHash.get(i);

            if (isWordAlphabeticallyFirst(wordCompare, wordTest))
               int freqCompare = wordFrequency.get(i); 
               int freqTest = wordFrequency.get(j);

               wordHash.set(i, wordTest); 
               wordHash.set(j, wordCompare);
               wordFrequency.set(i, freqTest); 
               wordFrequency.set(j, freqCompare);
    * Builds the header contents.
    * @return info
   public String returnHeaderInformation()
      String info = "";

      info += (Tools.returnSpace(2) + "Sentence count:  " + 
      sentenceCount + Tools.returnSpace(2));
      info += (Tools.returnNewline(1) + Tools.returnSpace(2) + "Total word count:  " + 
      wordDuplicates.size() + Tools.returnSpace(2));

      info += (Tools.returnNewline(1) + Tools.returnSpace(2) + "Unique word count:  " + 
      wordHash.size() + Tools.returnSpace(2));

      return info;

    * Builds the display contents.
    * @return info 
   public String returnWordInformation()
      String info = Tools.returnNewline(1);

      for (int i = 0; i < wordHash.size(); i ++)
         info += (Tools.returnSpace(2) + "Word:  " + wordHash.get(i) + Tools.returnSpace(2) +
         Tools.returnNewline(1) + Tools.returnSpace(2) + "Frequency:  " + 
         wordFrequency.get(i) + Tools.returnSpace(2) + Tools.returnNewline(1));

         if (i != (wordHash.size() - 1)) {info += (Tools.returnNewline(1));}

      return info;
    * Returns the count of a frequency.
    * @param val 
    * @return count 
   public int returnCountOfFrequency(int val)
      int count = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < wordFrequency.size(); i ++)
         if (wordFrequency.get(i) == val)
            count ++;

      return count;

    * Returns the frequency hash array list.
    * ESCA-JAVA0259:
    * @return
   public ArrayList getFrequencyHash()
      return frequencyHash;
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   //**************************************** START PRIVATE METHODS ****************************************//

    * Reads the selected file line by line.
    * ESCA-JAVA0166:
    * ESCA-JAVA0266:
   private void analyseFieldWords()

      catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(Tools.thisPathAndLine() + e + "\n");}

    *  Extracts words from a line of information and stores the words in an array.
    *  @param line
   private void storeWords(String line)
      String wordBuilder = ""; boolean flag = false;

      for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i ++)
         if (isCharacterValid(line.charAt(i), line, i))
            flag = true; wordBuilder += Character.toLowerCase(line.charAt(i));

            if (i == line.length() - 1)
               wordDuplicates.add(wordBuilder); flag = false; wordBuilder = "";

            if (flag) 
               wordDuplicates.add(wordBuilder); flag = false; wordBuilder = "";

            if (line.charAt(i) == '.')
               sentenceCount ++;

    * Tests if a character can be present within a word.
    * @param symbol
    * @param lineText
    * @param charIndex
    * @return valid
   private boolean isCharacterValid(char symbol, String lineText, int charIndex)
      boolean valid = false;
      for (char element : Validation.lowerCase) 
         if ((element == symbol) || (Character.toUpperCase(element) == symbol))
            valid = true;

      for (String element : validCharacters) 
         if (element.equals(Character.toString(symbol)) 
         && isLettersSurrounded(lineText, charIndex))
            valid = true;

      return valid;

    *  Tests if a character is immediately surrounded by letters. 
    *  @param lineText 
    *  @param charIndex 
    *  @return pass
   private static boolean isLettersSurrounded(String lineText, int charIndex)
      boolean pass = false; 
      boolean lowerSurrounded = false; boolean upperSurrounded = false;
      int lowerBounds = charIndex - 1; int upperBounds = charIndex + 1;

      if ((lowerBounds >= 0) && (upperBounds < lineText.length()))
         for (char element : Validation.lowerCase) 
            if ((Character.toString(element).equals
            || (Character.toString(Character.toUpperCase(element)).equals
               lowerSurrounded = true;

            if ((Character.toString(element).equals
            || (Character.toString(Character.toUpperCase(element)).equals
               upperSurrounded = true;
            if (lowerSurrounded && upperSurrounded)
               pass = true;

      return pass;

    * Stores words without duplicates in a new array called 'wordHash'. 
   private void storeUniques()
      for (int i = 0; i < wordDuplicates.size(); i ++)
         if (!wordInHash(wordDuplicates.get(i)))

    * Tests if word already stored in 'wordHash'
    * @param word
    * @return stored
   private boolean wordInHash(String word)
      boolean stored = false;

      for (int i = 0; i < wordHash.size(); i ++)
         if (wordHash.get(i).equals(word))
            stored = true;

      return stored;

    *  Stored the frequency of each unique word in an array. 
   private void storeWordFrequency()
      for (int i = 0; i < wordHash.size(); i ++)
         int counter = 0;

         for (int j = 0; j < wordDuplicates.size(); j ++)
            if (wordHash.get(i).equals(wordDuplicates.get(j)))
               counter ++;


    * Sets a hash of the frequency values. 
   private void storeUniqueFrequency()
      for (int i = 0; i < wordFrequency.size(); i ++)

      int val = frequencySort.get(0); 

      for (int i = 0; i < frequencySort.size(); i ++)
         if (frequencySort.get(i) != val)
            val = frequencySort.get(i);


    * Test two words for alphabetical order.
    * @param compareWord
    * @param testWord
    * @return isWordFirst
   private boolean isWordAlphabeticallyFirst(String compareWord, String testWord)
      int loopTerminate = 0; 
      boolean isWordFirst = false; boolean testWordShorter = false;
      if (compareWord.length() > testWord.length()) 
      {loopTerminate = testWord.length(); testWordShorter = true;}

      else if (compareWord.length() < testWord.length()) 
      {loopTerminate = compareWord.length();}

      else {loopTerminate = compareWord.length();}

      for (int i = 0; i < loopTerminate; i ++)
         if (isCharAlphabeticallyFirst(compareWord.charAt(i), testWord.charAt(i)))
            isWordFirst = true; break;

            if (compareWord.charAt(i) == testWord.charAt(i)) 
               if ((i == (loopTerminate - 1)) && (testWordShorter))
                  isWordFirst = true; break;


            else {break;}

      return isWordFirst;

    * Tests two characters for alphabetical order.
    * @param compareChar
    * @param testChar
    * @return isCharFirst
   private boolean isCharAlphabeticallyFirst(char compareChar, char testChar)
      boolean isCharFirst = false; 
      boolean isCompareApostrophe = false; boolean isTestApostrophe = false;

      for (String element : validCharacters) 
         if (element.equals(Character.toString(testChar))) 
         {isTestApostrophe = true;}

         if (element.equals(Character.toString(compareChar))) 
         {isCompareApostrophe = true;}

      if (isTestApostrophe && (!isCompareApostrophe)) 
      {isCharFirst = true;}

      if (!isCharFirst)
         int compareIndex = 0; int testIndex = 0;  
         boolean compareExecuted = false; boolean testExecuted = false;

         for (int i = 0; i < Validation.lowerCase.length; i ++)
            if (Validation.lowerCase[i] == compareChar) 
            {compareIndex = i; compareExecuted = true;}

            if (Validation.lowerCase[i] == testChar) 
            {testIndex = i; testExecuted = true;}

            if (compareExecuted && testExecuted) {break;}

         if (testIndex < compareIndex) {isCharFirst = true;}

      return isCharFirst;

   //***************************************** END PRIVATE METHODS *****************************************//

   private String contents;
   private int sentenceCount;
   private final String[] validCharacters = {"'", "’"};
   private ArrayList wordHash = new ArrayList();
   private ArrayList wordDuplicates = new ArrayList();
   private ArrayList wordFrequency = new ArrayList();
   private ArrayList frequencySort = new ArrayList();
   private ArrayList frequencyHash = new ArrayList();
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 -2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class defines colors and color methods.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-05-18

public class ColorFunctions

   private static final int HEXADECIMAL_BASE = 16;
   private static final int COLOR_COMPONENT_RED = 250;
   private static final int COLOR_COMPONENT_GREEN = 250;
   private static final int COLOR_COMPONENT_BLUE = 250;
   private ColorFunctions() {}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//

    * Returns the color in hexadecimal format.
    * @param sliderValue
    * @return
   public static String returnHexadecimalColor(int sliderValue)
      String compFirst = ""; String compSecond = ""; int counter = -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < HEXADECIMAL_BASE; i ++)
         compFirst = returnComponent(i);

          for (int j = 0; j < HEXADECIMAL_BASE; j ++)
             compSecond = returnComponent(j); counter ++; 
             if (counter == sliderValue)
          if (counter == sliderValue)
          "#" + compFirst + compSecond + compFirst + 
          compSecond + compFirst + compSecond
    * Return the set red color component 
    * for setting the programs background color. 
    * @return
   public static int red()
    * Return the set green color component 
    * for setting the programs background color. 
    * @return
   public static int green()
    * Return the set blue color component 
    * for setting the programs background color. 
    * @return
   public static int blue()
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   //**************************************** START PRIVATE METHODS ****************************************//
    * Returns the hexadecimal component.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param index
    * @return
   private static String returnComponent(int index)
      String component = "";
      switch (index)
         case 10: component = "A"; break; case 11: component = "B"; break;  
         case 12: component = "C"; break; case 13: component = "D"; break; 
         case 14: component = "E"; break; case 15: component = "F"; break;
         default: component = Integer.toString(index); break;
      return component;   
   //***************************************** END PRIVATE METHODS *****************************************//

   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class returns the domain attributes.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-07-06

public class Domain 
   private static final String DOMAIN = "javaika.com";

   private static final boolean RUN_LOCAL = false; 
   private static final boolean prefix = true;
   private static final String PORT = "80";
   private Domain() {}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Returns the domain name.
    * @return
   public static final String getDomain()
      if (prefix)
         return ("www." + DOMAIN);
         return (DOMAIN);
    * Returns the port number.
    * @return
   public static final String getPort()
      if (RUN_LOCAL)
         return (":" + PORT);
      else {return ("");} 
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//


   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class displays message dialogs.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2011-07-18

import javax.swing.*;

public class Message

   private Message(){}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//

    * Displays a message dialog.
    * @param text
    * @param heading
    * @param type 
   public static void showMessage(String text, String heading, String type)
      new JOptionPane(); Object[] options = {}; 

      if (type.equals("error"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading,  
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, options, null);

      if (type.equals("information"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading, 
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, options, null);

      if (type.equals("warning"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading, 
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, null);

      if (type.equals("question"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading, 
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, null);
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class provides handy tools.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-02-01

public class Tools 

   private static final int EXCEPTION_LINE_BEAK = 2;
   private Tools() {}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//

    * This method returns the line number and path where it's called.
    * The syntax new Exception().getStackTrace()[0].getLineNumber() 
    * will only give the current line number of the source file.
    * @return
   public static String thisPathAndLine()
      String lineAndPath = ""; String stackTrace = "";
      stackTrace = new Exception().getStackTrace()[1].toString();
      for (int i = stackTrace.length()-1; i >= 0; i --)
         if (stackTrace.charAt(i) == ')') {continue;} 
         else if (stackTrace.charAt(i) == '(') {break;}
         else {lineAndPath = (stackTrace.charAt(i) + lineAndPath);}
      return lineAndPath + returnNewline(EXCEPTION_LINE_BEAK);
    * Delays execution.
    * @param length
   public static void delay(long length) 
      for (long i = 0; i < length; i ++) {}
    * This method returns a space.
    * @param length
    * @return
   public static String returnSpace(int length)
      String space = "";
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++)
         space += " ";
      return space;
    * Assigns newlines to a string.
    * @param lines
    * @return
   public static String returnNewline(int lines)
      String newline = "";
      for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++)
         newline += "\n";
      return newline;
    * Returns the users desktop path.
    * @return
   public static String returnDesktopPath()
      return (System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Desktop").replace("\\", "/") + "/"; 

   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class is used for sophisticated validation of data.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2010-07-18

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class Validation

   //************************************** START INITIALISATION CODE **************************************//

   private static final String IP_ADDRESS_PATTERN = 
   "^([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\." + "([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\." +

   "([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\." + "([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])$";
   private static final String NUMBER_PATTERN = "[+-]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*";
   private static final String ALPHANUMERIC_PATTERN = "[A-Za-z0-9]*";
   private static final String LETTER_PATTERN = "[A-Za-z]*";
   private static final String INTEGER_PATTERN = "[0-9]*";

    *  Validation constructor.
   public Validation()
      count = 0;
   //*************************************** END INITIALISATION CODE ***************************************//

   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Tests a string against a supplied mask string.
    * The key for testing a string is as follows.
    * '^' represents a upper case letter.
    * '#' represents a lower case letter.
    * '?' represents a digit.
    * @param maskString
    * @param testString 
    * @return result()
   public boolean maskValidation(String maskString, String testString)
      count = 0;

      if (maskString.length() == testString.length())
         for (int i = 0; i < maskString.length(); i ++)
            if (maskString.charAt(i) == testString.charAt(i))
               count ++;

            if (maskString.charAt(i) == '?')
               for (char element : digit) 
                  if (testString.charAt(i) == element) 
                     count ++;

            if (maskString.charAt(i) == '#')
               for (char element : lowerCase) 
                  if (testString.charAt(i) == element)
                     count ++;

            if (maskString.charAt(i) == '^')
               for (char element : upperCase) 
                  if (testString.charAt(i) == element)
                     count ++;
      if (count != testString.length()) {return false;}
      else {return true;}
    * Checks the validation of an IP address.
    * @param testString
    * @return
   public boolean ipAddressValidation(String testString)
      pattern = Pattern.compile(IP_ADDRESS_PATTERN);
      return (pattern.matcher(testString).matches());
    * Checks the validation of an integer.
    * @param testString
    * @return
   public boolean integerValidation(String testString)
      pattern = Pattern.compile(INTEGER_PATTERN);
      return (pattern.matcher(testString).matches());
    * Checks the validation of a letter string.
    * @param testString
    * @return
   public boolean letterValidation(String testString)
      pattern = Pattern.compile(LETTER_PATTERN);
      return (pattern.matcher(testString).matches());
    * Checks the validation of an alphanumeric string.
    * @param testString
    * @return
   public boolean alphanumericValidation(String testString)
      pattern = Pattern.compile(ALPHANUMERIC_PATTERN);
      return (pattern.matcher(testString).matches());
    * Checks the validation of an alphanumeric string.
    * @param testString
    * @return
   public boolean numberValidation(String testString)
      pattern = Pattern.compile(NUMBER_PATTERN);
      return (pattern.matcher(testString).matches());

   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   private int count;
   private Pattern pattern;

    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static String[] numberOperator = {"PI", "e"};
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static char[] digit = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static char[] simpleOperator = {'-', '+', 'v', '^', '/', 'x', '*', ','};
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static char[] number = 
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static String[] singleOperator = {"Sin", "Cos", "Tan", "Fac", "Inv", "Abs"};
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static String[] doubleOperator = {"Log", "Mod", "Pwr", "Pnr", "Cwr", "Cnr"};
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static char[] lowerCase = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o',
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static char[] upperCase = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O',
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//
