   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class displays the GUI for the calculator.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2010-07-18

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container; 
import java.awt.Dimension; 
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Font;  
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection;
import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class ScientificCalculatorGui extends JApplet implements ComponentListener, KeyListener
   private static final String copyright = "Copyright (c) 2012 by Alexander Wait - All Rights Reserved";
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
   static boolean isApplication = false;
   static boolean runRestricted = false;
   static boolean isVisible = false;
   private static final int FRAME_SIZE_X = 615; 
   private static final int FRAME_SIZE_Y = 555;
   private static final int MENU_ARRAY_SIZE = 8;
   private static final int ENTER_ARRAY_SIZE = 3; 
   private static final int OPERATOR_ARRAY_SIZE = 24;
   private static final int DECIMAL_PLACE_MINIMUM = 1;
   private static final int DECIMAL_PLACE_MAXIMUM = 15;
   private static final int INITIAL_DECIMAL_PLACES = 3; 
   private static final int VARIANCE_DEVIATION_INDEX = 0; 
   private static final int INITIAL_COMPUTATION_COUNTER = 1; 
   private static final int MINIMUM_MAXIMUM_INDEX = 3; 
   private static final int MAX_FIBONACCI_NUMBER = 93;
   private static final int MEDIAN_MODE_INDEX = 1;
   private static final int COUNT_RANGE_INDEX = 2;   
   private static final int SUM_SQUARES_INDEX = 4; 
   private static final int MEAN_SQUARES_INDEX = 5; 
   private static final int DATA_PRINT_INDEX = 6; 
   private static final int DECIMAL_INDEX = 7; 
   private static final int ENTER_INDEX = 0; 
   private static final int COPY_INDEX = 1; 
   private static final int EQUALS_INDEX = 2;
   //************************************** START INITIALISATION CODE **************************************//
    * Browser constructor.
   public void init()
      String copyrightParam = getParameter("copyright");
      if ((copyrightParam == null) || !copyrightParam.equals(copyright)) 
         Message.showMessage("Invalid Copyright", "WARNING", "warning"); 
      else if (!getDocumentBase().getHost().equals(Domain.getDomain()))
         Message.showMessage("Unauthorised Applet Use", "ERROR", "error");
         try {getToolkit().getSystemClipboard();}
         catch (java.security.AccessControlException e) {runRestricted = true;}  
         initialiser(); includeResizeEvent(); setJMenuBar(menuBar); 
         setSize(FRAME_SIZE_X,FRAME_SIZE_Y); defaultOnStartup();

         if(runRestricted) {enterButton[COPY_INDEX].setEnabled(false);}

    * Application constructor.
   public ScientificCalculatorGui() 
      if (isApplication)
         frame = new JFrame(); 
         frame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(FRAME_SIZE_X, FRAME_SIZE_Y));
         frame.setTitle("Calculator Program");
         setVisibility(); defaultOnStartup();
    * GUI initializer.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
   private void initialiser()
      calc = new ScientificCalculator(); valid = new Validation(); 
      // Initialize content pane and layout.
      contentPane = getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 
      // Initialize text field GUI components.  
      input = new JTextField(); input.addKeyListener(this);
      input.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(579, 26));
      input.setFont(new Font(input.getFont().getName(), 

      input.getFont().getStyle(), 16)); 
      // Initialize text area GUI components.   
      display = new JTextArea (14,45); display.setEditable(false); 
      // Initialize key pad GUI components.
      pad = new KeyPad(input); pad.display.setEditable(false); 
      pad.display.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(20,53)); 
      // Initialize scroll pane GUI components. 
      scrollPane = new JScrollPane(display, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS,
      // Initialize menu bar GUI components. 
      menuBar = new JMenuBar(); 
      menuBar.add(createModeMenu()); menuBar.add(createDisplayMenu()); 
      menuBar.add(createSequenceMenu()); menuBar.add(createSettingsMenu());
      // Initialize check box GUI components.  
      workingBox = new JCheckBox("W");
      workingBox.setFocusPainted(false); workingBox.setSelected(false); 
      workingBox.addItemListener(new HandlerClass("work")); 
      // Initialize radio button GUI components.   
      degrees = new JRadioButton("D", true); degrees.setFocusPainted(false);
      degrees.addItemListener(new HandlerClass("deg")); 
      radians = new JRadioButton("R", true); radians.setFocusPainted(false);  

      radians.addItemListener(new HandlerClass("rad")); 
      // Initialize button group GUI components. 
      group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(degrees); group.add(radians); 
      // Initialize default settings for GUI components. 
      calc.setMode(true); calc.setDecimalPlaces(3); 
      runType = "Calculator"; working = false;
      computationCounter = INITIAL_COMPUTATION_COUNTER; 
      // Initialize JPanel GUI components.
      settingsPanel = new JPanel(); settingsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); 
      enterPanel = new JPanel(); enterPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));
      containerPanel = new JPanel(); containerPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));
      operatorPanel = new JPanel(); operatorPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 4));
      topPanel = new JPanel(); topPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
      // Add GUI components to JPanels. 
      settingsPanel.add(workingBox); settingsPanel.add(degrees); settingsPanel.add(radians); 

      topPanel.add(containerPanel); topPanel.add(pad); topPanel.add(operatorPanel);
      containerPanel.add(settingsPanel); containerPanel.add(enterPanel); 
      // Method calls for GUI initialization.
      addMouseMotionListener(new HandlerClass("mouse")); 

      gridBagConstraints(); constructOperatorButtons(); setColors(); setGraphicIcons();
    * Constructs the operator buttons.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
   private void constructOperatorButtons()
      for (int i = 0; i < enterButton.length; i ++)
         enterButton[i] = new JButton(enterButtonText[i]); 
         enterButton[i].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(135, 29));
         enterButton[i].setFocusPainted(false); enterPanel.add(enterButton[i]);
         enterButton[i].addMouseMotionListener(new HandlerClass("mouse")); 
      enterButton[ENTER_INDEX].addActionListener(new EnterButtonListener());
      enterButton[COPY_INDEX].addActionListener(new CopyButtonListener()); 
      enterButton[EQUALS_INDEX].addActionListener(new EqualsButtonListener());

      for (int i = 0; i < operatorButton.length; i ++)
         operatorButton[i] = new JButton(operatorButtonText[i]); 

         operatorButton[i].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(83, 29)); 
         operatorButton[i].setFocusPainted(false); operatorPanel.add(operatorButton[i]); 
         operatorButton[i].addMouseMotionListener(new HandlerClass("mouse")); 
         operatorButton[i].addActionListener(new OperatorButtonListener(i));
      disableEnablePanels("enter", ENTER_INDEX, ENTER_INDEX, false); 
      disableEnablePanels("menu", VARIANCE_DEVIATION_INDEX, DATA_PRINT_INDEX, false);
    * Sets the background color.
   private void setColors()
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())

         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())

         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
    * Sets icons for graphical elements.
   private void setGraphicIcons()
      degrees.setIcon(new ImageIcon
      degrees.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon

      degrees.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon

      degrees.setDisabledSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon
      radians.setIcon(new ImageIcon
      radians.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon

      radians.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon

      radians.setDisabledSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon
      workingBox.setIcon(new ImageIcon
      workingBox.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon

      workingBox.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon

      workingBox.setDisabledSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon
    * Sets the grid bag layout.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
   private void gridBagConstraints()
      // Initialize grid bag layout of GUI.
      constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
      constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
      // Grid bag constraints 1.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,0,0,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 0;

      constraints.gridwidth = 3;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 0;
      contentPane.add(topPanel, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 2.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,0,0,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 0;

      constraints.gridwidth = 3;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 1;
      contentPane.add(input, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 3.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,0,0,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 0;

      constraints.gridwidth = 3;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 2;
      contentPane.add(scrollPane, constraints);
   //*************************************** END INITIALISATION CODE ***************************************//
   //************************************* START INTERFACE EVENT CODE **************************************//
   private class EnterButtonListener
   implements ActionListener
       * Listener that responds appropriately to enter button click.
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
   private class EqualsButtonListener
   implements ActionListener

       * Listener that responds appropriately to equal button click. 
       * ESCA-JAVA0166:
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    * ESCA-JAVA0043:
   private class CopyButtonListener
   implements ActionListener

       * Listener that responds appropriately to copy button click.
       * ESCA-JAVA0166:
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
         StringSelection ss = new StringSelection(display.getText());
         Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(ss, null);
   private class OperatorButtonListener
   implements ActionListener
       * Listener that responds appropriately to operator 
       * button click using a switch.
       * @param args
      private OperatorButtonListener(int args)
         button = args;

      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)

      int button;
    * Show working check box listener. 
   private class HandlerClass implements ItemListener, MouseMotionListener
      String type;

      private HandlerClass(String handlerType)
         type = handlerType;

      public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
         if (type.equals("work"))
            if (workingBox.isSelected())
               working = true;

               working = false;

         else if (type.equals("deg")) 

         else if (type.equals("rad")) 

      public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event){}

      public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event){}

    * Overrides KeyListener.
   public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}
   public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {}
   public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) 
      int key = e.getKeyCode();
      if (key == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) 
         if (runType.equals("Calculator"))
    * Overrides ComponentListener.
   public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {}
   public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {}
   public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {setContentDisplay(true);}
   public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {setContentDisplay(false);}
   //************************************** END INTERFACE EVENT CODE ***************************************//
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Sets the visibility of the frame.
   public void setVisibility()
      if (isVisible) 
    * Displays or Hides contents of GUI.
    * @param shown
   public void setContentDisplay(boolean shown)
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   //**************************************** START PRIVATE METHODS ****************************************//
    * Helper for enter action.
    * ESCA-JAVA0049:
   private void enterActionHelper()
          final int MAX_RANDOM_VALUE = 99;
          if (!input.getText().equals(""))
             if (runType.equals("dataSet"))
                if (dataStep.equals("number"))
                   if (valid.integerValidation(input.getText())) 
                      if (Integer.parseInt(input.getText()) > 1)
                         int size = Integer.parseInt(input.getText());

                         dataSetArray = new double[size]; 

                         display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(3) + "  Enter number " + 
                         (index) + ":" + Tools.returnNewline(2)); input.setText(""); 
                         dataStep = "values";
                   else {enterException();}

                else if (dataStep.equals("values") && index < dataSetArray.length)
                   if (valid.numberValidation(input.getText()))
                      double val = Double.parseDouble(input.getText());

                      dataSetArray[index - 1] = val;
                      display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(3) + "  Enter number " + 
                      (index + 1) + ":" + Tools.returnNewline(2)); pad.clear(); 
                      index ++;
                   else {enterException();}

                else if (dataStep.equals("values") && index == dataSetArray.length)
                   dataSetArray[index - 1] = Double.parseDouble(input.getText()); 

                   display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) +
                   "  The DataSet has been successfully added." + Tools.returnNewline(1) + 
                   "  Results are shown under 'Display'" + Tools.returnNewline(1));

                   disableEnablePanels("menu", VARIANCE_DEVIATION_INDEX, DATA_PRINT_INDEX, true); 
                   pad.clear(); dataStep = "results";

             if (runType.equals("settings"))
                if (valid.integerValidation(input.getText()))
                   places = Integer.parseInt(input.getText()); calc.setDecimalPlaces(places);

                   if ((DECIMAL_PLACE_MINIMUM <= places) && (DECIMAL_PLACE_MAXIMUM >= places))
                      disableEnablePanels("enter", ENTER_INDEX, ENTER_INDEX, false); 
                      disableEnablePanels("enter", EQUALS_INDEX, EQUALS_INDEX, true); 

                      disableEnablePanels("operator", 0, operatorButton.length - 1, true);
                      runType = "Calculator"; pad.clear();

                   else {enterException();}
                else {enterException();}

             if (runType.equals("randomSequence"))
                if (valid.integerValidation(input.getText()))
                   if ((dataStep.equals("number")) && (Integer.parseInt(input.getText()) > 0) 
                   && (Integer.parseInt(input.getText()) <= MAX_FIBONACCI_NUMBER))
                      number = Integer.parseInt(input.getText()); pad.clear();
                      display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  Set the minimum random value." + 
                      Tools.returnNewline(1)); dataStep = "minimum";

                      display.append("  Enter number between " + "[0" + "-" + 
                      MAX_RANDOM_VALUE + "]" + Tools.returnNewline(2));

                   else if ((dataStep.equals("minimum")) && (Integer.parseInt(input.getText()) >= 0) 
                   && (Integer.parseInt(input.getText()) <= MAX_RANDOM_VALUE))
                      minimum = Integer.parseInt(input.getText()); pad.clear();
                      display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + 

                      "  Set the maximum random value." + Tools.returnNewline(1)); 
                      dataStep = "maximum"; display.append("  Enter number between " + 
                      "[" + minimum + "-" + MAX_RANDOM_VALUE + "]" + Tools.returnNewline(2));

                   else if ((dataStep.equals("maximum")) 
                   && (Integer.parseInt(input.getText()) >= minimum) 
                   && (Integer.parseInt(input.getText()) <= MAX_RANDOM_VALUE))
                      maximum = Integer.parseInt(input.getText()); pad.clear();
                      display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + 
                      "  Press enter to display results."); dataStep = "results";

                   if (dataStep.equals("results"))
                      display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + 
                      "  Random Sequence: " + Tools.returnNewline(2));
                      for (int i = 0; i < number; i ++)
                         display.append("  " + "Number " + (i + 1) + ")   " + 
                         DataFunctions.random(minimum,maximum) + Tools.returnNewline(2));
                else {enterException();}

             if (runType.equals("fibonacciSequence"))
                if (valid.integerValidation(input.getText()))
                   if ((dataStep.equals("number")) && (Integer.parseInt(input.getText()) > 0) 
                   && (Integer.parseInt(input.getText()) <= MAX_FIBONACCI_NUMBER))
                      number = Integer.parseInt(input.getText()); pad.clear();
                      display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  Press enter to display results.");

                      dataStep = "results";

                   if (dataStep.equals("results"))
                      display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + 
                      "  Fibonacci Sequence: " + Tools.returnNewline(2));

                      for (int i = 0; i < number; i ++)
                         display.append("  " + "Number " + (i + 1) + ")   " + 
                         DataFunctions.fibonacci(i) + Tools.returnNewline(2));
                else {enterException();}

       catch (Exception e) {enterException();} 

    * Handler for equals action.
   private void equalsActionHelper()
      if (!input.getText().equals(""))
         String formula = calc.formatFormula(input.getText());
            Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  [A:" + computationCounter + "]    " + formula + "   "
         calc.setOuterFormula(formula); runCalculation(working); pad.clear();
    * Helper for operator action.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param button
   private void operatorActionHelper(int button)
      switch (button)
         case 0:  input.setText(input.getText() + "Log("); break; 
         case 1:  input.setText(input.getText() + "Mod("); break;
         case 2:  input.setText(input.getText() + "Pwr("); break; 
         case 3:  input.setText(input.getText() + "Cwr("); break;
         case 4:  input.setText(input.getText() + "Sin("); break; 
         case 5:  input.setText(input.getText() + "Cos("); break;
         case 6:  input.setText(input.getText() + "Tan("); break; 
         case 7:  input.setText(input.getText() + "Fac("); break; 
         case 8:  input.setText(input.getText() + "Inv("); break; 
         case 9:  input.setText(input.getText() + "Abs("); break; 
         case 10: input.setText(input.getText() + " x 10 ^ "); break; 
         case 11: input.setText(input.getText() + ","); break; 
         case 12: input.setText(input.getText() + " x "); break; 
         case 13: input.setText(input.getText() + " / "); break; 
         case 14: input.setText(input.getText() + " + "); break; 
         case 15: input.setText(input.getText() + " - "); break; 
         case 16: input.setText(input.getText() + " ^ "); break; 
         case 17: input.setText(input.getText() + " v "); break; 
         case 18: input.setText(input.getText() + "("); break; 
         case 19: input.setText(input.getText() + ")"); break;
         case 20: input.setText(input.getText() + "-"); break;
         case 21: input.setText(input.getText() + "PI"); break;
         case 22: input.setText(input.getText() + "e"); break;
         case 23: input.setText(input.getText() + "+"); break;
         default: System.exit(0); break;
    * Displays the calculation and simplification of formula. 
    * ESCA-JAVA0166:
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param showWorking
   private void runCalculation(boolean showWorking)
      calc.simplificationList.clear(); calc.run(); 

      if (showWorking)
         for (int i = 1; i < calc.simplificationList.size(); i ++) 
            display.append("\n\n" + Tools.returnSpace(17) 
            + "= " + calc.simplificationList.get(i));
         display.append("\n\n" + Tools.returnSpace(17) + "= " + 
         calc.simplificationList.get(calc.simplificationList.size() - 1));

      computationCounter ++;

    * Default mode on startup.
   private void defaultOnStartup()

      disableEnablePanels("enter", ENTER_INDEX, ENTER_INDEX, false); 
      disableEnablePanels("enter", EQUALS_INDEX, EQUALS_INDEX, true); 
      disableEnablePanels("operator", 0, operatorButton.length - 1, true); 
      disableEnablePanels("menu", VARIANCE_DEVIATION_INDEX, DATA_PRINT_INDEX, false);
      disableEnablePanels("menu", DECIMAL_INDEX, DECIMAL_INDEX, true); 
      runType = "Calculator"; computationCounter = INITIAL_COMPUTATION_COUNTER;
      display.setText("  \n CALCULATOR MODE \n\n");
      display.addMouseMotionListener(new HandlerClass("mouse")); 

    * Disables or enables the interface contents for data set mode.
   private void datasetInterfaceInitialisation()
      disableEnablePanels("menu", VARIANCE_DEVIATION_INDEX, DECIMAL_INDEX, false); 
      disableEnablePanels("operator", 0, operatorButton.length - 1, false); 
      disableEnablePanels("enter", ENTER_INDEX, ENTER_INDEX, true);
      disableEnablePanels("enter", EQUALS_INDEX, EQUALS_INDEX, false);    

    * Disables or enables the interface contents for series mode.
   private void seriesInterfaceInitialisation()
      disableEnablePanels("operator", 0, operatorButton.length - 1, false);
      disableEnablePanels("enter", EQUALS_INDEX, EQUALS_INDEX, false);
      disableEnablePanels("enter", ENTER_INDEX, ENTER_INDEX, true);

    * Disables or enables the panels.
    * @param type
    * @param startIndex 
    * @param endIndex
    * @param enabled
   private void disableEnablePanels(String type, 
   int startIndex, int endIndex, Boolean enabled)
      for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i ++)
         if (type.equals("menu"))

         if (type.equals("enter"))

         if (type.equals("operator"))

    * Adds variance and deviation menu item and listener that responds appropriately.
    * @return 
   private JMenuItem varianceDeviation() 

      item[VARIANCE_DEVIATION_INDEX] = new JMenuItem("Variance and Deviation");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  
            display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The variance is: " + 
            (dataSetArray,true), places) + Tools.returnNewline(1));

            display.append(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The standard deviation is: " + 
            (dataSetArray,false), places));

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return item[VARIANCE_DEVIATION_INDEX];

    * Adds median and mode menu item and listener that responds appropriately.
    * @return 
   private JMenuItem medianMode() 

      item[MEDIAN_MODE_INDEX] = new JMenuItem("Median and Mode");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  
            display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The median value is: " + 
            (dataSetArray), places) + Tools.returnNewline(1));
            display.append(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The modes are: " + 
            DataFunctions.returnModes(dataSetArray) + "  ");

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return item[MEDIAN_MODE_INDEX];

    * Adds count and range menu item and listener that responds appropriately.
    * @return 
   private JMenuItem countRange() 

      item[COUNT_RANGE_INDEX] = new JMenuItem("Count and Range");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  
            display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The count is: " + 
            DataFunctions.returnCount(dataSetArray) + Tools.returnNewline(1));

            display.append(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The range is: " + 
            calc.decimalRounding(DataFunctions.returnRange(dataSetArray), places));

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return item[COUNT_RANGE_INDEX];

    * Adds minimum and maximum menu item and listener that responds appropriately.
    * @return 
   private JMenuItem minimumMaximum() 

      item[MINIMUM_MAXIMUM_INDEX] = new JMenuItem("Minimum and Maximum");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  
            display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The minimum value is: " + 
            (dataSetArray), places) + Tools.returnNewline(1));

            display.append(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The maximum value is: " + 
            (dataSetArray), places));

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return item[MINIMUM_MAXIMUM_INDEX];

    * Adds sum and squares menu item and listener that responds appropriately. 
    * @return
   private JMenuItem sumSquares() 

      item[SUM_SQUARES_INDEX] = new JMenuItem("Sum and Squares");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  
            display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The sum is: " + 
            (dataSetArray,false), places) + Tools.returnNewline(1));

            display.append(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The sum of squares is: " + 
            (dataSetArray,true), places));

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return item[SUM_SQUARES_INDEX];

    * Adds mean and squares menu item and listener that responds appropriately.
    * @return 
   private JMenuItem meanSquares() 

      item[MEAN_SQUARES_INDEX] = new JMenuItem("Mean and Squares");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  
            display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The mean is: " + 
            (dataSetArray,false), places) + Tools.returnNewline(1));
            display.append(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The mean of squares is: " + 
            (dataSetArray,true), places));
      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return item[MEAN_SQUARES_INDEX];

    * Adds print menu item and listener that responds appropriately. 
    * @return 
   private JMenuItem dataPrint() 

      item[DATA_PRINT_INDEX] = new JMenuItem("Display The Full Data Set");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  
            display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  The dataset values are: " + 
            DataFunctions.printData(dataSetArray) + "  " + Tools.returnNewline(1));

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return item[DATA_PRINT_INDEX];

    * Adds random menu item and listener that responds appropriately. 
    * @return
   private JMenuItem random() 

      JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem("Random");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  

            display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + 
            "  How many random numbers ? " + Tools.returnNewline(1));
            display.append("  Enter number between " + "[1" + "-" + 
            MAX_FIBONACCI_NUMBER + "]" + Tools.returnNewline(2));
            runType = "randomSequence"; dataStep = "number";

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return menuItem;

    * Adds random menu item and listener that responds appropriately. 
    * @return
   private JMenuItem fibonacci() 

      JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem("Fibonacci");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  

            display.setText(Tools.returnNewline(1) + 
            "  How many fibonacci numbers ? " + Tools.returnNewline(1));
            display.append("  Enter number between " + "[1" + "-" + 
            MAX_FIBONACCI_NUMBER + "]" + Tools.returnNewline(2));

            runType = "fibonacciSequence"; dataStep = "number";

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return menuItem;

    * Adds decimal places menu item and listener that responds appropriately. 
    * @return
   private JMenuItem decimalPlaces() 

      item[DECIMAL_INDEX] = new JMenuItem("Rounding");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  
            display.append(Tools.returnNewline(1) + "  Enter number between " + 
            "[" + DECIMAL_PLACE_MINIMUM + "-" + DECIMAL_PLACE_MAXIMUM + "]" + 
            Tools.returnNewline(2)); runType = "settings";

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return item[DECIMAL_INDEX];

    * Adds data set mode menu item and listener that responds appropriately.
    * @return menuItem 
   private JMenuItem dataSetMode() 
      JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem("Statistics");

      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  
            display.setText("  \n STATISTICS MODE \n\n");
            display.append("  How many numbers ?" + Tools.returnNewline(2)); 
            dataStep = "number"; runType = "dataSet"; index = 1;

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 
      return menuItem;

    * Adds calculator mode menu item and listener that responds appropriately.
    * @return menuItem 
   private JMenuItem calculatorMode() 

      JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem("Calculator");
      class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  

      ActionListener listener = new MenuItemListener(); 

      return menuItem;

    * Adds a file menu. 
    * @return menu
   private JMenu createModeMenu()

      JMenu menu = new JMenu("Mode "); 
      menu.add(calculatorMode()); menu.add(dataSetMode()); 
      menu.addMouseMotionListener(new HandlerClass("mouse")); 

      return menu;

    * Adds a display menu. 
    * @return menu
   private JMenu createDisplayMenu()

      JMenu menu = new JMenu("Display "); 
      menu.add(dataPrint()); menu.add(minimumMaximum()); 
      menu.add(varianceDeviation()); menu.add(meanSquares()); 
      menu.add(sumSquares()); menu.add(medianMode()); menu.add(countRange());  
      menu.addMouseMotionListener(new HandlerClass("mouse")); 

      return menu;

    * Adds a sequence menu. 
    * @return menu
   private JMenu createSequenceMenu()

      JMenu menu = new JMenu("Sequence "); 
      menu.add(fibonacci()); menu.add(random()); 
      menu.addMouseMotionListener(new HandlerClass("mouse")); 

      return menu;

    * Adds a settings menu. 
    * @return menu
   private JMenu createSettingsMenu()

      JMenu menu = new JMenu("Settings "); menu.add(decimalPlaces()); 
      menu.addMouseMotionListener(new HandlerClass("mouse")); 

      return menu;
    * Displays the integer exception text in the display.
   private void enterException()
      pad.display.setText(" Invalid entry ");
    * Window resize event.
   private void includeResizeEvent()
         new ComponentAdapter() 
            public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) 
    * Controls the JApplet component visibility. 
    * ESCA-JAVA0266:
   private void appletDisplayHandler()
      final String ZOOM_WARNING = 
      "It appears that web pages in your browser are zoomed out. \n\n" +
      "In order to display the applet, your browser needs to be set \n" +
      "at its default zoom level of 100% or greater. \n\n" +
      "Sorry about that.";
      if ((getWidth() < FRAME_SIZE_X) || (getHeight() < FRAME_SIZE_Y))
         contentPane.setVisible(false); menuBar.setVisible(false);
         if (!zoomWarningShown) 
            Message.showMessage(ZOOM_WARNING, "Browser zoom setting", "warning");
            zoomWarningShown = true;
         contentPane.setVisible(true); menuBar.setVisible(true);

   //***************************************** END PRIVATE METHODS *****************************************//
   //********************************************** START MAIN *********************************************//
    * Main
    * @param args
   public static void main(String[] args)
      isApplication = true;
      isVisible = true;
      new ScientificCalculatorGui(); 

   //*********************************************** END MAIN **********************************************//
   private KeyPad pad;
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public JFrame frame;
   private boolean working;
   private JTextField input; 
   private Validation valid;
   private JMenuBar menuBar; 
   private JTextArea display;
   private ButtonGroup group;
   private JCheckBox workingBox;
   private Container contentPane;
   private double[] dataSetArray;
   private JScrollPane scrollPane;
   private boolean zoomWarningShown;
   private String runType, dataStep;
   private ScientificCalculator calc;
   private int number, minimum, maximum;
   private JRadioButton degrees, radians;
   private GridBagConstraints constraints;
   private int computationCounter, places, index;
   private final String[] enterButtonText = {"ENTER", "COPY", "="};
   private final JMenuItem[] item = new JMenuItem[MENU_ARRAY_SIZE];
   private final JButton[] enterButton = new JButton[ENTER_ARRAY_SIZE];
   private final JButton[] operatorButton = new JButton[OPERATOR_ARRAY_SIZE];
   private JPanel settingsPanel, enterPanel, operatorPanel, containerPanel, topPanel;

   private final String[] operatorButtonText =
   {"Log(n,b)","Mod(n,d)", "Per(n,r)", "Com(n,r)", "Sin(n)", "Cos(n)","Tan(n)",
    "Fac(n)", "Inv(n)", "Abs(n)", "x10^", ",","x","/","+","-","^","v","(",")","n","PI","e","p"};

   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//


   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class simplifies and computes equations.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-07-01

import java.text.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ScientificCalculator 

   private enum Bracket {OPEN, CLOSE};
   private static final int LOOP_TIMEOUT = 3000;

   private static final int COMPLEX_OPERATOR_LENGTH = 3;
   private static final int COMMA_ARRAY_SHIFT = 1;
   private static final int ADD_SUBTRACT_ARRAY_SHIFT = 2;
   private static final int INFINITY_ARRAY_SHIFT = 6;

    * Constructor.
   public ScientificCalculator()
      arith = new Arithmetic();

   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Rounds a value to a specified number of decimal places. 
    * @param val
    * @param place 
    * @return 
    * @return
   public double decimalRounding(double val, int place) 
      String maskBuilder = "#."; 

      for (int i = 0; i < place; i ++)
         maskBuilder += "#";

      DecimalFormat places = new DecimalFormat(maskBuilder);

      if (DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual(val, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) 
      || DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual(val, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY))
         return val;

         return Double.valueOf(places.format(val));
    * Runs the calculation.
    * ESCA-JAVA0266
    * ESCA-JAVA0166
    * ESCA-JAVA0285:
   public void run()
         simplificationList.add(getOuterFormula()); setDone(false); 
         String formula = null; String answer = null; int cycles = 0;
         while (!getDone())
            simplifySimpleOperators(); simplifySingleOperators(); simplifyDoubleOperators();
            formula = simplificationList.get(simplificationList.size() -1); cycles ++;
            if (isNumeric(formula) || (cycles > LOOP_TIMEOUT)) {setDone(true);}
         if ((!formula.equals("Infinity")) && (!formula.equals("-Infinity")))
            answer = Double.toString(decimalRounding(Double.parseDouble(formula), getDecimalPlaces()));     
            simplificationList.set(simplificationList.size() -1, answer + " [" + getDecimalPlaces() + "dp]");
      catch (Exception e)  
    * Adds spaces around addition and subtraction 
    * operators if no space exists.
    * @param formula
    * @return
   public String formatFormula(String formula)
      String formatted = "";
      for (int i = 0; i < formula.length(); i ++)
         if ((i > 0) && isSimpleOperator(formula, i))     
            if (!isNumberAdjacentRight(formula, i) 
            || isNumberAdjacentLeft(formula, i) || formula.charAt(i-1) == ')')
               if ((i < (formula.length() -1)) && (formula.charAt(i -1) != 'E'))
                  if (formula.charAt(i -1) != ' ') {formatted += " ";}
                  formatted += formula.charAt(i);
                  if (formula.charAt(i +1) != ' ') {formatted += " ";}
         formatted += formula.charAt(i);
      return formatted;
    * Matches a number with optional '-' and decimal.
    * @param str
    * @return
   public static boolean isNumeric(String str) 
      if (str.matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?"))
         return true;
      else if (str.equals("Infinity"))
         return true;
      else if (str.equals("-Infinity"))
         return true;

      else {return false;}
    * Sets the mode switch.
    * @param set
   public void setMode(boolean set) {mode = set;}
    * Sets the mode switch.
    * @param places
   public void setDecimalPlaces(int places) {decimalPlaces = places;}
    * Sets the done switch.
    * @param set
   public void setDone(boolean set) {done = set;}
    * Sets the external formula.
    * @param set
   public void setOuterFormula(String set) {expression = set;}
    * Return the mode switch.
    * @return
   public boolean getMode() {return mode;}
    * Return the done switch.
    * @return
   public boolean getDone() {return done;}
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   //**************************************** START PRIVATE METHODS ****************************************//
    * Simplifies double operators (Log, Per, etc)
   private void simplifyDoubleOperators()
      String doubleOperator = ""; setSingleExecutedState(false); 

      setOpenBracketIndex(getIndexMostNestedBracket(getOuterFormula(), Bracket.OPEN));   
      setCloseBracketIndex(getIndexMostNestedBracket(getOuterFormula(), Bracket.CLOSE));
      if (isDoubleOpenOperatorBracket(getOuterFormula(), getOpenBracketIndex()) 
      && !containsPriorityOperators(getElement(getOuterFormula(), 
      getOpenBracketIndex() +1, getCloseBracketIndex() -1))) 
         doubleOperator = getBracketOperator
         (getOuterFormula(), getOpenBracketIndex() -1, COMPLEX_OPERATOR_LENGTH);
         double valueBefore = Double.parseDouble 
         (getNumberBeforeOperator(getOuterFormula(), getCommaIndex(getOuterFormula())));
         double valueAfter = Double.parseDouble 
         (getNumberAfterOperator(getOuterFormula(), getCommaIndex(getOuterFormula())));
         if (doubleOperator.equals("Log") || doubleOperator.equals("log")) 
         {doubleResult = arith.logarithm(valueBefore, valueAfter); setDoubleExecutedState(true);}
         if (doubleOperator.equals("Mod") || doubleOperator.equals("mod")) 
         {doubleResult = arith.modulus(valueBefore, valueAfter); setDoubleExecutedState(true);}
         if (doubleOperator.equals("Pwr") || doubleOperator.equals("pwr"))      
         {doubleResult = arith.pWithRep((long)valueBefore, (long)valueAfter); setDoubleExecutedState(true);}
         if (doubleOperator.equals("Pnr") || doubleOperator.equals("pnr"))          
         {doubleResult = arith.pWithoutRep((long)valueBefore, (long)valueAfter); setDoubleExecutedState(true);}
         if (doubleOperator.equals("Cwr") || doubleOperator.equals("cwr"))          
         {doubleResult = arith.cWithRep((long)valueBefore, (long)valueAfter); setDoubleExecutedState(true);}
         if (doubleOperator.equals("Cnr") || doubleOperator.equals("cnr"))        
         {doubleResult = arith.cWithoutRep((long)valueBefore, (long)valueAfter); setDoubleExecutedState(true);}
         if (Double.toString(doubleResult).equals("NaN"))
         {throw new NumberFormatException();}
         if (getDoubleExecutedState()) 
            setOuterFormula(getInserted(getOuterFormula(), Double.toString(doubleResult), 
            getOpenBracketIndex() - COMPLEX_OPERATOR_LENGTH, getCloseBracketIndex()));
    * Simplifies single operators (Sin , Cosine , Tan , etc)
    * ESCA-JAVA0266
    * ESCA-JAVA0029:
    * ESCA-JAVA0171:
   private void simplifySingleOperators()
      String singleOperator = "";
      double value = 0; setSingleExecutedState(false); 

      setOpenBracketIndex(getIndexMostNestedBracket(getOuterFormula(), Bracket.OPEN));   
      setCloseBracketIndex(getIndexMostNestedBracket(getOuterFormula(), Bracket.CLOSE));
      if (isSingleOpenOperatorBracket(getOuterFormula(), getOpenBracketIndex()) 
      && !containsPriorityOperators(getElement(getOuterFormula(), 
      getOpenBracketIndex() +1, getCloseBracketIndex() -1))) 
         singleOperator = getBracketOperator(getOuterFormula(), 
         getOpenBracketIndex() -1, COMPLEX_OPERATOR_LENGTH);
         value = Double.parseDouble(getElement(getOuterFormula(), 
         getOpenBracketIndex() +1, getCloseBracketIndex() -1));
         if (singleOperator.equals("Fac") || singleOperator.equals("fac")) 
         {doubleResult = arith.factorial((long)value, (long)0); setSingleExecutedState(true);}
         if (singleOperator.equals("Sin") || singleOperator.equals("sin")) 
         {doubleResult = arith.sin(value, getMode()); setSingleExecutedState(true);}
         if (singleOperator.equals("Cos") || singleOperator.equals("cos")) 
         {doubleResult = arith.cos(value, getMode()); setSingleExecutedState(true);}
         if (singleOperator.equals("Tan") || singleOperator.equals("tan")) 
         {doubleResult = arith.tan(value, getMode()); setSingleExecutedState(true);} 
         if (singleOperator.equals("Abs") || singleOperator.equals("abs")) 
         {doubleResult = arith.absolute(value); setSingleExecutedState(true);}
         if (singleOperator.equals("Inv") || singleOperator.equals("inv")) 
         {doubleResult = arith.invert(value); setSingleExecutedState(true);}
         if (Double.toString(doubleResult).equals("NaN")) 
         {throw new NumberFormatException();}
         if (getSingleExecutedState()) 
            setOuterFormula(getInserted(getOuterFormula(), Double.toString(doubleResult), 
            getOpenBracketIndex() - COMPLEX_OPERATOR_LENGTH, getCloseBracketIndex()));
    * Simplifies simple operators (^ , V , x , / , etc)
    * ESCA-JAVA0119
   private void simplifySimpleOperators()
      for (int i = getIndexStartPosition(); i < getIndexEndPosition(); i ++)
         for (int j = getOpenBracketIndex() +1; j < getCloseBracketIndex(); j ++)
            if (getOuterFormula().charAt(j) == Validation.simpleOperator[i] 
            && (!isNumberAdjacentRight(getOuterFormula(), j)))
               double valueBefore = Double.parseDouble(getNumberBeforeOperator(getOuterFormula(), j));
               double valueAfter = Double.parseDouble(getNumberAfterOperator(getOuterFormula(), j));
               if ((getOuterFormula().charAt(j) == 'x') || (getOuterFormula().charAt(j) == '*'))  
               {doubleResult = arith.multiplication(valueBefore, valueAfter);}
               if ((getOuterFormula().charAt(j) == '/')) 
               {doubleResult = arith.division(valueBefore, valueAfter);}
               if ((getOuterFormula().charAt(j) == '^')) 
               {doubleResult = arith.square(valueBefore, valueAfter);}
               if ((getOuterFormula().charAt(j) == 'v')) 
               {doubleResult = arith.root(valueBefore, valueAfter);}
               if ((getOuterFormula().charAt(j) == '+')) 
               {doubleResult = arith.addition(valueBefore, valueAfter);}
               if ((getOuterFormula().charAt(j) == '-')) 
               {doubleResult = arith.subtraction(valueBefore, valueAfter);}
               if (Double.toString(doubleResult).equals("NaN")) 
               {throw new NumberFormatException();}
               if (openBracketFound && closeBracketFound)
                     getOuterFormula(), Double.toString(doubleResult), 
                     getInsertStartIndex(), getInsertEndIndex())
               i = Validation.simpleOperator.length -1; 
               j = getCloseBracketIndex(); 
               simpleOperatorFound = true;               

    * Bracket initializer.
   private void bracketInitialiser()
      openBracketFound = false; closeBracketFound = false; simpleOperatorFound = false; 
      if (numberSubFound) {simplificationList.add(getOuterFormula());} indexInitialiser();

      getOpenBracketIndex() +1, getCloseBracketIndex() -1))) 
         getOpenBracketIndex() +1, getCloseBracketIndex() -1));    
         setOuterFormula(getInserted(getOuterFormula(), getUnitedFormula(), 
         getOpenBracketIndex() +1, getCloseBracketIndex() -1)); indexInitialiser();

         setIndexStartPosition(0); setIndexEndPosition(ADD_SUBTRACT_ARRAY_SHIFT);

    * Bracket controller.
   private void bracketControl()
      if (simpleOperatorFound && !openBracketFound && !closeBracketFound)
         setOuterFormula(getInserted(getOuterFormula(), Double.toString(doubleResult),
         getInsertStartIndex(), getInsertEndIndex()));
      if (!simpleOperatorFound && openBracketFound && closeBracketFound
      && !isSingleOpenOperatorBracket(getOuterFormula(), getOpenBracketIndex())
      && !isDoubleOpenOperatorBracket(getOuterFormula(), getOpenBracketIndex()))
         doubleResult = Double.parseDouble(getElement(getOuterFormula(), 
         getOpenBracketIndex() +1, getCloseBracketIndex() -1));
         setOuterFormula(getInserted(getOuterFormula(), Double.toString(doubleResult),
         getOpenBracketIndex(), getCloseBracketIndex()));
      if (simpleOperatorFound && openBracketFound && closeBracketFound) 
    * Index initializer.
   private void indexInitialiser()
      setOpenBracketIndex(getIndexMostNestedBracket(getOuterFormula(), Bracket.OPEN));   
      setCloseBracketIndex(getIndexMostNestedBracket(getOuterFormula(), Bracket.CLOSE));
      if (!openBracketFound && !closeBracketFound) 
      {setOpenBracketIndex(-1); setCloseBracketIndex(getOuterFormula().length());}
    * Inserts numbers for special characters into the expression.
    * @param formula
   private void substituteNumbers(String formula)
      numberSubFound = false; 
      for (int i = 0; i < formula.length(); i ++)
         if ((i < formula.length() -1) && (formula.charAt(i) == 'P') && (formula.charAt(i +1) == 'I'))
            setOuterFormula(getInserted(formula, Double.toString(arith.piValueReturn()), i, i +1)); 
            substituteNumbers(getOuterFormula()); numberSubFound = true;
         if (formula.charAt(i) == 'e')
            setOuterFormula(getInserted(formula, Double.toString(arith.eValueReturn()), i, i)); 
            substituteNumbers(getOuterFormula()); numberSubFound = true;
    * Returns true if formula contains operators with 
    * the exception of sign operators (+, -)
    * ESCA-JAVA0175
    * @param formula
    * @return
   private static boolean containsPriorityOperators(String formula)
      boolean priorityOperators = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < formula.length(); i ++)
         for (int j = ADD_SUBTRACT_ARRAY_SHIFT; 
         j < (Validation.simpleOperator.length - COMMA_ARRAY_SHIFT); j ++)
            if ((formula.charAt(i) == Validation.simpleOperator[j]))
               if ((formula.charAt(i)) == '+' || (formula.charAt(i) == '-'))
                  if (!isNumberAdjacentRight(formula, i))

                     priorityOperators = true;

               priorityOperators = true;
      return priorityOperators;
    * Tests if an index of a string is adjacent to a number on the right.
    * @param formula
    * @param index
    * @return
   private static boolean isNumberAdjacentRight(String formula, int index)
      boolean numberSign = false;
      if ((index < formula.length() -1) && ((formula.charAt(index) == '+') || (formula.charAt(index) == '-')))
         for (int i = ADD_SUBTRACT_ARRAY_SHIFT; i < (Validation.number.length - INFINITY_ARRAY_SHIFT); i ++) 
            if (formula.charAt(index +1) == Validation.number[i] || formula.charAt(index +1) == 'I')
               numberSign = true;
      return numberSign;
    * Tests if an index of a string is adjacent to a number on the left.
    * @param formula
    * @param index
    * @return
   private static boolean isNumberAdjacentLeft(String formula, int index)
      boolean numberSign = false;
      if ((index > 0) && ((formula.charAt(index) == '+') || (formula.charAt(index) == '-')))
         for (int i = ADD_SUBTRACT_ARRAY_SHIFT; i < Validation.number.length; i ++) 
            if (formula.charAt(index -1) == Validation.number[i])
               numberSign = true; 

      return numberSign;
    * Converts a row of +, - operators into one type.
    * ESCA-JAVA0119
    * @param formula
   private void uniteSignOperators(String formula)
      int combinedCount = 0; int minusCount = 0; String sign = "";
      unitedFormula = formula; boolean held = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < (formula.length()); i ++)
         if (!isNumberAdjacentRight(formula, i) 
         && ((formula.charAt(i) == '+') || (formula.charAt(i) == '-')))
            if (formula.charAt(i) == '-') {minusCount ++;}

            if (!held) {setInsertStartIndex(i);}
            setInsertEndIndex(i); combinedCount ++;
            held = true; continue;  
         for (int j = ADD_SUBTRACT_ARRAY_SHIFT; j < Validation.number.length; j ++)
            if (formula.charAt(i) == Validation.number[j])
               if (combinedCount > 1)
                  if (returnNegative(minusCount)) {sign = "-";}
                  if (!returnNegative(minusCount)) {sign = "+";}
                  setUnitedFormula(getInserted(formula, sign, 
                  getInsertStartIndex(), getInsertEndIndex()));
                  i = formula.length();
               else {minusCount = 0; combinedCount = 0; held = false;} break;
    * Returns the formula after calculation has been inserted.
    * @param formula
    * @param insert
    * @param indexStart
    * @param indexEnd
    * @return
   private static String getInserted(String formula, String insert, int indexStart, int indexEnd)
      String result = "";
      for (int i = 0; i < indexStart; i ++)
         result += formula.charAt(i);
      for (int i = 0; i < insert.length(); i ++)
         result += insert.charAt(i);
      for (int i = (indexEnd+1); i < formula.length(); i ++)
         result += formula.charAt(i);
      return result;

    * Tests if the character at a specific index of a supplied
    * formula is a valid simple operator.
    * @param formula
    * @param index
    * @return
   private static boolean isSimpleOperator(String formula, int index)
      boolean simpleOperator = false;

      for (int i = 0; i < Validation.simpleOperator.length; i++)
         if (Validation.simpleOperator[i] == formula.charAt(index))
            simpleOperator = true;
      if ((index > 0) && (index < (formula.length() -1))
      && (formula.charAt(index -1) == '(') && (formula.charAt(index +1) == 'I'))
         simpleOperator = false;
      if ((index > 0) && (formula.charAt(index -1) == 'n'))
         simpleOperator = false;

      return simpleOperator;
    * Returns the number forming part of a single operation (Sin , Cosine , Tan , etc).
    * ESCA-JAVA0130
    * @param formula
    * @param indexStart
    * @param indexEnd
    * @return
   private String getElement(String formula, int indexStart, int indexEnd)

      if (formula == null) {return null;}  
      else if ((indexStart <= indexEnd) && (indexStart >= 0) 
      && (indexEnd < formula.length()))
         String element = ""; 
         for (int i = indexStart; i <= indexEnd; i ++)
            element += formula.charAt(i);
         return element;  
      else {return null;}

    * Returns the number forming part of a simple operation (+ , - , x , / , etc).
    * @param formula
    * @param operatorIndex
    * @return
   private String getNumberBeforeOperator(String formula, int operatorIndex)
      String number = "";  boolean found = false; boolean started = false;
      if (formula == null) {return null;}
      else if ((operatorIndex > 0) && (operatorIndex < (formula.length() -1)))
         for (int i = (operatorIndex -1); i >= 0; i --)
            for (int j = 0; j < Validation.number.length; j ++)
               found = false;
               if (formula.charAt(i) == Validation.number[j])
                  number = formula.charAt(i) + number; 
                  found = true; started = true; break;
            if (started)
               if ((formula.charAt(i) == '+') || (formula.charAt(i) == '-'))
                  if ((i > 0) && (formula.charAt(i -1) == 'E')) {continue;}
                  else {setInsertStartIndex(i); break;}
               if ((formula.charAt(i) == ' ')) {setInsertStartIndex(i +1); break;}
               if (started && !found) {setInsertStartIndex(i +1); break;}        
            else {continue;}
         return number;
      else {return null;}
    * Returns the number forming part of a simple operation (+ , - , x , / , etc).
    * @param formula
    * @param operatorIndex
    * @return
   private String getNumberAfterOperator(String formula, int operatorIndex)
      String number = "";  boolean found = false; boolean started = false;
      if (formula == null) {return null;}
      else if ((operatorIndex > 0) && (operatorIndex < (formula.length() -1)))
         for (int i = (operatorIndex +1); i < formula.length(); i ++)
            for (int j = 0; j < Validation.number.length; j ++)
               found = false;
               if (formula.charAt(i) == Validation.number[j])
                  number += formula.charAt(i); 
                  found = true; started = true; break;
            if (started)
               if ((i < formula.length() - 1) 
               && ((formula.charAt(i +1) == '+') || (formula.charAt(i +1) == '-')))
                  setInsertEndIndex(i -1);  
                  if ((formula.charAt(i) == 'E')) {continue;}
                  else {break;}

               if ((formula.charAt(i) == ' ')) {setInsertEndIndex(i -1); break;}
               if (started && !found) {setInsertEndIndex(i -1); break;}
            else {continue;}

         return number;
      else {return null;}
    * Returns the comma index of a double operator.
    * @param formula
    * @return
   private int getCommaIndex(String formula)
      int commaIndex = 0;
      for (int i = getOpenBracketIndex() +1; i < getCloseBracketIndex(); i ++)
         if (formula.charAt(i) == ',')
            commaIndex = i; break;
      return commaIndex;  
    * Returns true if an opening bracket forms 
    * part of a double operator expression.
    * @param formula
    * @param bracketIndex
    * @return
   private static boolean isDoubleOpenOperatorBracket(String formula, int bracketIndex)
      if (formula == null) {return false;}    
      boolean singleOpenOperatorBracket = false; 
      if ((bracketIndex >= COMPLEX_OPERATOR_LENGTH) && (bracketIndex < formula.length()))
         for (int i = 0; i < Validation.doubleOperator.length; i ++)
               getBracketOperator(formula, bracketIndex -1, 
               getBracketOperator(formula, bracketIndex -1, 
               singleOpenOperatorBracket = true; 

      return singleOpenOperatorBracket;   
    * Returns true if an opening bracket forms 
    * part of a single operator expression.
    * @param formula
    * @param bracketIndex
    * @return
   private static boolean isSingleOpenOperatorBracket(String formula, int bracketIndex)

      if (formula == null) {return false;}    
      boolean singleOpenOperatorBracket = false; 
      if ((bracketIndex >= COMPLEX_OPERATOR_LENGTH) && (bracketIndex < formula.length()))
         for (int i = 0; i < Validation.singleOperator.length; i ++)
               getBracketOperator(formula, bracketIndex -1, 
               getBracketOperator(formula, bracketIndex -1, 
               singleOpenOperatorBracket = true; 

      return singleOpenOperatorBracket;
    * Returns the formula index of the most nested bracket.
    * @param formula
    * @param type
    * @return
   private int getIndexMostNestedBracket(String formula, Bracket type)
      int index = 0; int count = 0; int maximumCount = 0;
      if (type == Bracket.OPEN)
         for (int i = 0; i < formula.length(); i ++)
            if ((formula.charAt(i) == '(')) {openBracketFound = true; count ++;}
            if ((formula.charAt(i) == ')')) {count --;}
            if (count > maximumCount) {maximumCount = count; index = i;}

      if (type == Bracket.CLOSE)
         for (int i = (formula.length() -1); i >= 0; i --)
            if ((formula.charAt(i) == ')')) {closeBracketFound = true; count ++;}
            if ((formula.charAt(i) == '(')) {count --;}

            if (count > maximumCount) {maximumCount = count;} 
            if ((maximumCount == count) && (formula.charAt(i) == ')')) {index = i;}
      return index;
    * Returns the single operator given the bracket
    * opening index of that operator.
    * @param string
    * @param indexStart
    * @param length
    * @return
   private static String getBracketOperator(String string, int indexStart, int length)
      if (string == null) {return null;}
      else if ((indexStart < string.length()) 
      && ((indexStart - length +1) >= 0))
         String result = "";  
         for (int i = indexStart; i >= (indexStart - length +1); i --)
            result = string.charAt(i) + result; 
         return result;
      else {return null;}
    * Returns true if the number of negatives is an odd number.
    * @param negatives
    * @return
   private static boolean returnNegative(int negatives)
      if ((negatives % 2) != 0)
         return true;
         return false;
    * Adds the simplification strings to a collection.
    * @param simplification
   private void populateSimplificationList(String simplification)
    * Sets the external formula.
    * @param set
   private void setUnitedFormula(String set) {unitedFormula = set;}
    * Sets the open bracket index.
    * @param index
   private void setOpenBracketIndex(int index) {openBracketIndex = index;}
    * Sets the close bracket index.
    * @param index
   private void setCloseBracketIndex(int index) {closeBracketIndex = index;}
    * Sets the start index.
    * @param index
   private void setInsertStartIndex(int index) {insertStartIndex = index;}
    * Sets the end index.
    * @param index
   private void setInsertEndIndex(int index) {insertEndIndex = index;}
    * Sets the index start position.
    * @param index
   private void setIndexStartPosition(int index) {indexStartPosition = index;}
    * Sets the index end position.
    * @param index
   private void setIndexEndPosition(int index) {indexEndPosition = index;}
    * Sets single executed state.
    * @param state
   private void setSingleExecutedState(boolean state) {singleExecuted = state;}
    * Sets double executed state.
    * @param state
   private void setDoubleExecutedState(boolean state) {doubleExecuted = state;}
    * Returns the open bracket index.
    * @return
   private int getOpenBracketIndex() {return openBracketIndex;}
    * Returns the close bracket index.
    * @return
   private int getCloseBracketIndex() {return closeBracketIndex;}
    * Returns the close bracket index.
    * @return
   private int getDecimalPlaces() {return decimalPlaces;}
    * Returns the start index.
    * @return
   private int getInsertStartIndex() {return insertStartIndex;}
    * Returns the end index.
    * @return
   private int getInsertEndIndex() {return insertEndIndex;}
    * Returns the end index.
    * @return
   private int getIndexStartPosition() {return indexStartPosition;}
    * Returns the end index.
    * @return
   private int getIndexEndPosition() {return indexEndPosition;}
    * Returns the external formula.
    * @return
   private String getOuterFormula() {return expression;}  
    * Returns the external formula.
    * @return
   private String getUnitedFormula() {return unitedFormula;}  
    * Return single executed state.
    * @return
   private boolean getSingleExecutedState() {return singleExecuted;}
    * Return double executed state.
    * @return
   private boolean getDoubleExecutedState() {return doubleExecuted;} 
   //***************************************** END PRIVATE METHODS *****************************************//
   private int decimalPlaces;
   private double doubleResult;
   private final Arithmetic arith;
   private String expression, unitedFormula;
   private int insertStartIndex, insertEndIndex;
   private int openBracketIndex, closeBracketIndex; 
   private int indexStartPosition, indexEndPosition; 
   private boolean mode, singleExecuted, doubleExecuted, done;
   ArrayList <String> simplificationList = new ArrayList <String>();  
   private boolean openBracketFound, closeBracketFound, simpleOperatorFound, numberSubFound;
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class performs basic arithmetic.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2010-07-18

public class Arithmetic

   public static final int MAX_DEGREES_OBTUSE = 180; 

   public static final int MAX_DEGREES_ACUTE = 90; 

   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Finds the addition of two values. 
    * @param valueOne 
    * @param valueTwo 
    * @return
   public double addition(double valueOne, double valueTwo)
      return (valueOne + valueTwo);

    * Finds the subtraction of two values. 
    * @param valueOne
    * @param valueTwo 
    * @return 
   public double subtraction(double valueOne, double valueTwo)

      return (valueOne - valueTwo);

    * Finds the multiplication of two values. 
    * @param valueOne
    * @param valueTwo
    * @return
   public double multiplication(double valueOne, double valueTwo)

      return (valueOne * valueTwo);

    * Finds the division of two values. 
    * @param valueOne 
    * @param valueTwo  
    * @return 
   public double division(double valueOne, double valueTwo)

      return (valueOne / valueTwo);


    * Finds the absolute value of a number.
    * @param value  
    * @return 
   public double absolute(double value)

      return (Math.abs(value));

    * Finds the remainder of two values. 
    * @param value
    * @param divisor
    * @return
   public double modulus(double value, double divisor)

      return (value % divisor);

    * Finds the inversion of a number.
    * @param value 
    * @return 
   public double invert(double value)

      return (1 / value);

    * Finds the power of a number.
    * @param value
    * @param raise 
    * @return 
   public double square(double value, double raise)

      return (Math.pow(value,raise));

    * Finds the root of a number. 
    * @param degree
    * @param value 
    * @return 
   public double root(double degree, double value)

      return (Math.pow(value, 1 / degree));

    * Finds the factorial of a number.
    * ESCA-JAVA0078:
    * @param value
    * @param stop
    * @return answer
   public double factorial(long value, long stop)
      double answer = value;  
      if (DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual(value, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY))
      {answer = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;}
      else if ((value < 0) || (stop < 0)) {answer = Double.NaN;}
      else if (value == 0) {answer = 1;}
         for (long i = value -1; i > stop; i --)
            answer *= (i); if (answer == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {break;}

      return answer;

    * Finds the log to a specified base. 
    * @param value 
    * @param base 
    * @return 
   public double logarithm(double value, double base)

      return (Math.log(value) / Math.log(base));

    * Finds the sin of a number.
    * @param val 
    * @param degrees
    * @return answer
   public double sin(double val, boolean degrees)

      double answer = 0;

      if (degrees)
         if (DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual(val % MAX_DEGREES_OBTUSE, 0) 
         && (val >= MAX_DEGREES_OBTUSE || val <= - MAX_DEGREES_OBTUSE))
            answer = 0;

            answer = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(val));

         if (DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual(val % Math.PI, 0) 
         && (val >= Math.PI || val <= - Math.PI))
            answer = 0;

            answer = Math.sin(val);

      return answer;

    * Finds the cosine of a number.
    * @param val 
    * @param degrees  
    * @return answer
   public double cos(double val, boolean degrees)
      double answer = 0;

      if (degrees)
         if (DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual
         && (val >= MAX_DEGREES_ACUTE || val <= - MAX_DEGREES_ACUTE))
            answer = 0;

            answer = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(val));

         if (DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual((val+Math.PI / 2) % Math.PI, 0) 
         && (val >= Math.PI / 2 || val <= - Math.PI / 2))
            answer = 0;

            answer = Math.cos(val);

      return answer;

    * Finds the tan of a number.
    * @param val 
    * @param degrees 
    * @return 
   public double tan(double val, boolean degrees)

      double answer = 0;

      if (degrees)
         if (DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual(val % MAX_DEGREES_OBTUSE, 0) 
         && (val >= MAX_DEGREES_OBTUSE || val <= - MAX_DEGREES_OBTUSE))
            answer = 0;

         else if (DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual
            answer = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

            answer = Math.tan(Math.toRadians(val));

         if (DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual(val % Math.PI, 0) 
         && (val >= Math.PI || val <= -Math.PI))
            answer = 0;

         else if (DataFunctions.areDoublesEqual((val + Math.PI/2) % Math.PI, 0))
            answer = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

            answer = Math.tan(val);

      return answer;

    * Finds the permutations with repetition of n objects by selecting r.
    * ESCA-JAVA0264:
    * @param n
    * @param r
    * @return
   public double pWithRep(long n, long r)
      double answer = square(n, r);   

      return answer;
    * Finds the permutations without repetition of n objects by selecting r.
    * ESCA-JAVA0264:
    * @param n
    * @param r
    * @return
   public double pWithoutRep(long n, long r)
      double answer = 0;
      if (n < r) {answer = Double.NaN;}
      else {answer = factorial(n, n-r);}
      return answer;

    * Finds the combinations with repetition of n objects by selecting r.
    * ESCA-JAVA0264:
    * @param n
    * @param r
    * @return
   public double cWithRep(long n, long r)
      double answer = 0; double denominator = 1/factorial(r, 0);
      answer = factorial(n+r-1, n-1) * (denominator);

      return answer;
    * Finds the combinations without repetition of n objects by selecting r.
    * ESCA-JAVA0264:
    * @param n
    * @param r
    * @return
   public double cWithoutRep(long n, long r)
      double answer = 0; 
      if (n < r) {answer = Double.NaN;}
         double denominator = 1/factorial(r, 0);
         answer = factorial(n, n-r) * (denominator);
      return answer;
    * Returns the value of e.
    * @return
   public double eValueReturn()

      return (Math.E);

    * Returns the value of PI.
    * @return 
   public double piValueReturn()

      return (Math.PI);
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 -2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class defines colors and color methods.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-05-18

public class ColorFunctions

   private static final int HEXADECIMAL_BASE = 16;
   private static final int COLOR_COMPONENT_RED = 250;
   private static final int COLOR_COMPONENT_GREEN = 250;
   private static final int COLOR_COMPONENT_BLUE = 250;
   private ColorFunctions() {}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//

    * Returns the color in hexadecimal format.
    * @param sliderValue
    * @return
   public static String returnHexadecimalColor(int sliderValue)
      String compFirst = ""; String compSecond = ""; int counter = -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < HEXADECIMAL_BASE; i ++)
         compFirst = returnComponent(i);

          for (int j = 0; j < HEXADECIMAL_BASE; j ++)
             compSecond = returnComponent(j); counter ++; 
             if (counter == sliderValue)
          if (counter == sliderValue)
          "#" + compFirst + compSecond + compFirst + 
          compSecond + compFirst + compSecond
    * Return the set red color component 
    * for setting the programs background color. 
    * @return
   public static int red()
    * Return the set green color component 
    * for setting the programs background color. 
    * @return
   public static int green()
    * Return the set blue color component 
    * for setting the programs background color. 
    * @return
   public static int blue()
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   //**************************************** START PRIVATE METHODS ****************************************//
    * Returns the hexadecimal component.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param index
    * @return
   private static String returnComponent(int index)
      String component = "";
      switch (index)
         case 10: component = "A"; break; case 11: component = "B"; break;  
         case 12: component = "C"; break; case 13: component = "D"; break; 
         case 14: component = "E"; break; case 15: component = "F"; break;
         default: component = Integer.toString(index); break;
      return component;   
   //***************************************** END PRIVATE METHODS *****************************************//

   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class performs particular functions on a supplied data set.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2010-07-18

import java.util.*;

public class DataFunctions 

   private static final double EPSILON = 0;

   private DataFunctions() {}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Encodes a text with line breaks using a specified flag
    * character. The same flag character can be used to
    * decode the text back to include line breaks.
    * @param text
    * @param flag
    * @return
   public static String newlineFlagEncoding(String text, String flag)
      if (text != null)
         return text.replaceAll("\n", flag);
         return null;
    * Decodes a text with line break flags to reconstruct the
    * original text with line breaks.
    * @param text
    * @param flag
    * @return
   public static String newlineFlagDecoding(String text, String flag)
      if (text != null)
         return text.replaceAll(flag, "\n");
         return null;
    * Returns a random number in a range. 
    * @param minimum 
    * @param maximum 
    * @return 
   public static int random(int minimum, int maximum)
      Random dice = new Random();

      return (minimum + dice.nextInt(maximum - minimum + 1));

    * Returns how many values in the data set. 
    * @param array 
    * @return 
   public static int returnCount(double[] array)

      return array.length;

    * Finds the range. 
    * @param array 
    * @return 
   public static double returnRange(double[] array)

      return (returnMaximum(array) - returnMinimum(array));

    * Returns the data set.
    * @param array 
    * @return data
   public static String printData(double[] array)
      String data = "{ "; boolean executed = false;

      for (double element : array) 
         if (executed) {data += (" , " + element);}

         else {data += element;}
         executed = true;

      data += " }";

      return data;

    * Returns the modes and mode frequency of a data set.
    * @param array  
    *  @return modes
   public static String returnModes(double[] array)
      String modes = "{ "; boolean executed = false; double data = 0;
      double[] occurances = new double[array.length]; int count = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i ++)
         data = array[i];

         for (int j = i; j < array.length; j ++)
            if (areDoublesEqual(array[j], data)) {count ++;}

         occurances[i] = count; count = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < occurances.length; i ++)
         if (areDoublesEqual(occurances[i], returnMaximum(occurances)))
            if (executed) {modes += (" , " + array[i]);}
            else {modes += array[i];} executed = true;

      modes += (" }" + Tools.returnNewline(2) + "  The mode occurances are: " + 

      return modes;

    * Finds the sum of all the values within the data set.
    * @param array 
    * @param squares 
    * @return sum
   public static double returnSum(double[] array, boolean squares)

      double sum = 0;

      for (double element : array) 
         if (squares)
            sum += Math.pow((element), 2);

            sum += element;

      return sum;

    * Finds the mean.
    * @param array 
    * @param squares 
    * @return mean
   public static double returnMean(double[] array, boolean squares)
      double mean = 0;

      if (squares)
         mean = returnSum(array, true) / array.length;

         mean = returnSum(array, false) / array.length;

      return mean;

    * Finds the variance or standard deviation.
    * @param array 
    * @param variance 
    * @return 
    * @return
   public static double returnDeviationVariance(double[] array, boolean variance)
      double deviationCount = 0;

      for (double element : array) 
         deviationCount += (Math.pow((element - returnMean(array, false)), 2));

      if (variance) 
         return (deviationCount / array.length);

         return (Math.sqrt(deviationCount / (array.length - 1)));

    * Finds the maximum value.
    * @param array
    * @return maximum
   public static double returnMaximum(double[] array)
      double maximum = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; 

      for (double element : array) 
         if (element > maximum)
            maximum = element;

      return maximum;

    * Finds the minimum value.
    * @param array  
    * @return minimum
   public static double returnMinimum(double[] array)
      double minimum = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; 

      for (double element : array) 
         if (element < minimum)
            minimum = element;

      return minimum;

    * Finds the median value.
    * @param array 
    * @return median
   public static double returnMedian(double[] array)
      double median = 0; double data = 0; double[] clone = new double[array.length]; 

      for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i ++) 
      {clone[i] = array[i];}

      for (int i = 0; i < clone.length; i ++)
         for (int j = i; j < clone.length; j ++)
            data = clone[i];

            if (clone[j] < clone[i])
               clone[i] = clone[j]; 
               clone[j] = data;

      if (clone.length % 2 == 0) 
      {median = (clone[(clone.length / 2) - 1] + clone[(clone.length / 2)]) / 2;}

      else {median = clone[(clone.length - 1) / 2];}

      return median;

    * Finds the FIBONACCI number at a specified location. 
    * @param location 
    * @return current
   public static long fibonacci(int location)
      long secondPrevious = 0; long firstPrevious = 1; 
      long current = secondPrevious + firstPrevious;

      if (location == 0) {return secondPrevious;}

      else if (location == 1) {return firstPrevious;}

         for (int i = 1; i < location; i ++)
            current = secondPrevious + firstPrevious;
            secondPrevious = firstPrevious;
            firstPrevious = current; 

         return current;

    * Tests if two double values are equal using a threshold value.
    * @param first
    * @param second
    * @return
   public static boolean areDoublesEqual(double first, double second)
      return (Math.abs(first - second) <= EPSILON);
    * Tests if one double value is greater than another.
    * @param first
    * @param second
    * @return
   public static boolean isDoubleGreater(double first, double second)
      return (first > second);
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class returns the domain attributes.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-07-06

public class Domain 
   private static final String DOMAIN = "javaika.com";

   private static final boolean RUN_LOCAL = false; 
   private static final boolean prefix = true;
   private static final String PORT = "80";
   private Domain() {}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Returns the domain name.
    * @return
   public static final String getDomain()
      if (prefix)
         return ("www." + DOMAIN);
         return (DOMAIN);
    * Returns the port number.
    * @return
   public static final String getPort()
      if (RUN_LOCAL)
         return (":" + PORT);
      else {return ("");} 
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//


   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class builds a number key pad.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2010-07-18

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class KeyPad extends JPanel

   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 
   private static final int NORMAL_INDEX = 0; 
   private static final int PRESSED_INDEX = 2; 
   private static final int ROLLOVER_INDEX = 1;
   private static final int PAD_ARRAY_SIZE = 12;
   private static final int BACK_BUTTON_SIZE_X = 70; 
   private static final int BACK_BUTTON_SIZE_Y = 25;
   private static final int LAYOUT_ROWS = 4; 
   private static final int LAYOUT_COLUMNS = 3; 
   private static final int GRAY_SHADE = 235;

   //************************************** START INITIALISATION CODE **************************************//
    * Initializes the keypad interface.
    * @param disp
   public KeyPad(JTextField disp)   
      other = disp; 

      new Validation(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 
      display = new JTextField(); display.setBackground(new Color
      (GRAY_SHADE,GRAY_SHADE,GRAY_SHADE)); add(display, "North"); 
      buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout
      (LAYOUT_ROWS, LAYOUT_COLUMNS)); backPanel = new JPanel(); 
      backPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); 

      for (int i = 0; i < padButton.length; i ++)
         padButton[i] = new JButton(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
            "files/images/" + fileName[i][NORMAL_INDEX]))

         padButton[i].setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
            "files/images/" + fileName[i][ROLLOVER_INDEX]))

         padButton[i].setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
            "files/images/" + fileName[i][PRESSED_INDEX]))

         padButton[i].addActionListener(new PadButtonListener(i));

      add(buttonPanel, "Center"); 

      backButton = new JButton(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource

      backButton.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource

      backButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension
      backButton.addActionListener(new BackButtonListener()); 
      add(backButton, "South");
   //*************************************** END INITIALISATION CODE ***************************************//
   //************************************* START INTERFACE EVENT CODE **************************************//

   private class PadButtonListener
   implements ActionListener

       * Listens to keypad button press using a switch control.
       * @param args
      private PadButtonListener(int args)
         button = args;

      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
         switch (button)
            case 0: enterText("7"); break; case 1: enterText("8"); break;
            case 2: enterText("9"); break; case 3: enterText("4"); break;
            case 4: enterText("5"); break; case 5: enterText("6"); break;
            case 6: enterText("1"); break; case 7: enterText("2"); break;
            case 8: enterText("3"); break; case 9: enterText("0"); break;
            case 10: enterText("."); break; case 11: clear(); break;
            default: System.exit(0); break;

      int button; 

   private class BackButtonListener
   implements ActionListener

       * Listens to backspace button press. 
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
   //************************************** END INTERFACE EVENT CODE ***************************************//

   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//

    * Enters text into the keypad display.
    * @param label 
   public void enterText(final String label)

      if (other == null)
         display.setText(display.getText() + label);
         other.setText(other.getText() + label);

    * Removes characters and operators from display. 
   public void backText()
      String text = ""; 
      if (other == null)
         for (int i = 0; i < display.getText().length() - 1; i ++)
            text += display.getText().charAt(i);
         for (int i = 0; i < other.getText().length() - 1; i ++)
            text += other.getText().charAt(i);


    * Clears the keypad display.
   public void clear()
      if (other == null) {display.setText("");}
      else {other.setText("");}

   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   private JButton backButton;
   /** Other display. */
   public final JTextField other;
   /** Main display.  */
   public final JTextField display; 
   private JPanel buttonPanel, backPanel;
   private JButton[] padButton = new JButton[PAD_ARRAY_SIZE];

   private String[][] fileName =   
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//


   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class displays message dialogs.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2011-07-18

import javax.swing.*;

public class Message

   private Message(){}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//

    * Displays a message dialog.
    * @param text
    * @param heading
    * @param type 
   public static void showMessage(String text, String heading, String type)
      new JOptionPane(); Object[] options = {}; 

      if (type.equals("error"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading,  
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, options, null);

      if (type.equals("information"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading, 
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, options, null);

      if (type.equals("warning"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading, 
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, null);

      if (type.equals("question"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading, 
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, null);
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class provides handy tools.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-02-01

public class Tools 

   private static final int EXCEPTION_LINE_BEAK = 2;
   private Tools() {}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//

    * This method returns the line number and path where it's called.
    * The syntax new Exception().getStackTrace()[0].getLineNumber() 
    * will only give the current line number of the source file.
    * @return
   public static String thisPathAndLine()
      String lineAndPath = ""; String stackTrace = "";
      stackTrace = new Exception().getStackTrace()[1].toString();
      for (int i = stackTrace.length()-1; i >= 0; i --)
         if (stackTrace.charAt(i) == ')') {continue;} 
         else if (stackTrace.charAt(i) == '(') {break;}
         else {lineAndPath = (stackTrace.charAt(i) + lineAndPath);}
      return lineAndPath + returnNewline(EXCEPTION_LINE_BEAK);
    * Delays execution.
    * @param length
   public static void delay(long length) 
      for (long i = 0; i < length; i ++) {}
    * This method returns a space.
    * @param length
    * @return
   public static String returnSpace(int length)
      String space = "";
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++)
         space += " ";
      return space;
    * Assigns newlines to a string.
    * @param lines
    * @return
   public static String returnNewline(int lines)
      String newline = "";
      for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++)
         newline += "\n";
      return newline;
    * Returns the users desktop path.
    * @return
   public static String returnDesktopPath()
      return (System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Desktop").replace("\\", "/") + "/"; 

   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class is used for sophisticated validation of data.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2010-07-18

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class Validation

   //************************************** START INITIALISATION CODE **************************************//

   private static final String IP_ADDRESS_PATTERN = 
   "^([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\." + "([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\." +

   "([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\." + "([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])$";
   private static final String NUMBER_PATTERN = "[+-]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*";
   private static final String ALPHANUMERIC_PATTERN = "[A-Za-z0-9]*";
   private static final String LETTER_PATTERN = "[A-Za-z]*";
   private static final String INTEGER_PATTERN = "[0-9]*";

    *  Validation constructor.
   public Validation()
      count = 0;
   //*************************************** END INITIALISATION CODE ***************************************//

   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Tests a string against a supplied mask string.
    * The key for testing a string is as follows.
    * '^' represents a upper case letter.
    * '#' represents a lower case letter.
    * '?' represents a digit.
    * @param maskString
    * @param testString 
    * @return result()
   public boolean maskValidation(String maskString, String testString)
      count = 0;

      if (maskString.length() == testString.length())
         for (int i = 0; i < maskString.length(); i ++)
            if (maskString.charAt(i) == testString.charAt(i))
               count ++;

            if (maskString.charAt(i) == '?')
               for (char element : digit) 
                  if (testString.charAt(i) == element) 
                     count ++;

            if (maskString.charAt(i) == '#')
               for (char element : lowerCase) 
                  if (testString.charAt(i) == element)
                     count ++;

            if (maskString.charAt(i) == '^')
               for (char element : upperCase) 
                  if (testString.charAt(i) == element)
                     count ++;
      if (count != testString.length()) {return false;}
      else {return true;}
    * Checks the validation of an IP address.
    * @param testString
    * @return
   public boolean ipAddressValidation(String testString)
      pattern = Pattern.compile(IP_ADDRESS_PATTERN);
      return (pattern.matcher(testString).matches());
    * Checks the validation of an integer.
    * @param testString
    * @return
   public boolean integerValidation(String testString)
      pattern = Pattern.compile(INTEGER_PATTERN);
      return (pattern.matcher(testString).matches());
    * Checks the validation of a letter string.
    * @param testString
    * @return
   public boolean letterValidation(String testString)
      pattern = Pattern.compile(LETTER_PATTERN);
      return (pattern.matcher(testString).matches());
    * Checks the validation of an alphanumeric string.
    * @param testString
    * @return
   public boolean alphanumericValidation(String testString)
      pattern = Pattern.compile(ALPHANUMERIC_PATTERN);
      return (pattern.matcher(testString).matches());
    * Checks the validation of an alphanumeric string.
    * @param testString
    * @return
   public boolean numberValidation(String testString)
      pattern = Pattern.compile(NUMBER_PATTERN);
      return (pattern.matcher(testString).matches());

   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   private int count;
   private Pattern pattern;

    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static String[] numberOperator = {"PI", "e"};
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static char[] digit = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static char[] simpleOperator = {'-', '+', 'v', '^', '/', 'x', '*', ','};
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static char[] number = 
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static String[] singleOperator = {"Sin", "Cos", "Tan", "Fac", "Inv", "Abs"};
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static String[] doubleOperator = {"Log", "Mod", "Pwr", "Pnr", "Cwr", "Cnr"};
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static char[] lowerCase = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o',
    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public static char[] upperCase = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O',
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//
