   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class builds the grep GUI.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-05-05

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import javax.swing.*;

public class GrepRegexGui extends JApplet implements FocusListener
   private static final String copyright = "Copyright (c) 2012 by Alexander Wait - All Rights Reserved";

   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
   static boolean isApplication = false; 
   static boolean isVisible = false;
   private static final int FRAME_SIZE_X = 450;
   private static final int FRAME_SIZE_Y = 555;

   //************************************** START INITIALISATION CODE **************************************//

    * Browser constructor.
    * ESCA-JAVA0166:
   public void init()
      if (!isApplication) 
         String copyrightParam = getParameter("copyright");
         if ((copyrightParam == null) || !copyrightParam.equals(copyright)) 
            Message.showMessage("Invalid Copyright", "WARNING", "warning"); 
         else if (!getDocumentBase().getHost().equals(Domain.getDomain())) 
            Message.showMessage("Unauthorised Applet Use", "ERROR", "error");
            initialiser(); includeResizeEvent(); 
            setSize(FRAME_SIZE_X, FRAME_SIZE_Y);
    * Application constructor.
   public GrepRegexGui()
      if (isApplication) 
         frame = new JFrame(); 
         frame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(FRAME_SIZE_X, FRAME_SIZE_Y));
         frame.setTitle("Grep Program"); 
    * GUI initializer.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
   private void initialiser()
      grep = new GrepRegex(); 
      // Initialize content pane and layout.
      contentPane = getContentPane(); 
      contentPane.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 
      // Initialize text area GUI components.
      input = new JTextArea(); 
      // Initialize text field GUI components.
      regex = new JTextField(); 
      regex.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 13));
      // Initialize check box GUI components.
      grepInversion = new JCheckBox("Show lines that do not contain the expression");
      ignoreCase = new JCheckBox("Show lines without matching the case"); 
      showLines = new JCheckBox("Show the line numbers");
      // Initialize button GUI components.
      run = new JButton(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
      run.setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource

      run.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
      run.addActionListener(new RunButtonListener());
      copy = new JButton(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
      copy.setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource

      copy.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource
      copy.addActionListener(new CopyButtonListener());    
      // Initialize scroll pane GUI components.
      scrollPane = new JScrollPane(input, 
      // Initialize JPanel GUI components.
      buttonPanel = new JPanel(); 
      buttonPanel.setLayout (new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEADING));
      buttonPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0));
      // Add GUI components to JPanels.
      buttonPanel.add(run); buttonPanel.add(copy);
      // Method calls for GUI initialization.

      gridBagConstraints(); setColors(); setGraphicIcons();
    * Sets the background color.
   private void setColors()
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
         new Color (ColorFunctions.red(), ColorFunctions.green(), ColorFunctions.blue())
    * Sets icons for graphical elements.
   private void setGraphicIcons()
      grepInversion.setIcon(new ImageIcon
      grepInversion.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon

      grepInversion.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon

      grepInversion.setDisabledSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon
      ignoreCase.setIcon(new ImageIcon
      ignoreCase.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon

      ignoreCase.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon

      ignoreCase.setDisabledSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon
      showLines.setIcon(new ImageIcon
      showLines.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon

      showLines.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon

      showLines.setDisabledSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon

    * Sets the grid bag layout.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
   private void gridBagConstraints()
      // Initialize grid bag layout of GUI.
      constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
      constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;

      // Grid bag constraints 1.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,0,0,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 400; 
      constraints.ipady = 0;

      constraints.gridwidth = 3;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 0;
      contentPane.add(regex, constraints);  
      // Grid bag constraints 2.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 400; 
      constraints.ipady = 250;

      constraints.gridwidth = 3;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 1;
      contentPane.add(scrollPane, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 3.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 30;

      constraints.gridwidth = 3;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 2;
      contentPane.add(grepInversion, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 4.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 30;

      constraints.gridwidth = 3;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 3;
      contentPane.add(ignoreCase, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 5.
      constraints.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 30;

      constraints.gridwidth = 3;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 0; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 4;
      contentPane.add(showLines, constraints);
      // Grid bag constraints 6.
      constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.PAGE_END;
      constraints.insets = new Insets(10,10,10,0);
      constraints.ipadx = 0; 
      constraints.ipady = 0;

      constraints.gridwidth = 3;
      constraints.weightx = 0; 
      constraints.weighty = 1; 
      constraints.gridx = 0; 
      constraints.gridy = 5;
      contentPane.add(buttonPanel, constraints);
   //*************************************** END INITIALISATION CODE ***************************************//
   //************************************* START INTERFACE EVENT CODE **************************************//
   private class RunButtonListener
   implements ActionListener
       * Listener that starts the counter. 
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
         grep.clearContainers(); grep.setCombinedText("");
         for (String line : input.getText().split("\\n"))
         if (grepInversion.isSelected())
               regex.getText(), showLines.isSelected(), ignoreCase.isSelected()
               regex.getText(), showLines.isSelected(), ignoreCase.isSelected()
   private class CopyButtonListener
   implements ActionListener
       * Listener that starts the counter. 
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
         StringSelection ss = new StringSelection(input.getText());
         Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(ss, null);
   public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) 
      if (regex.hasFocus())
   public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) 
      if (regex.getText().length() == 0)
         regex.setText("Enter search expression here");

   //************************************** END INTERFACE EVENT CODE ***************************************//
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Sets the visibility of the frame.
   public void setVisibility()
      if (isVisible) {frame.setVisible(true);}
      else {frame.setVisible(false);} 
    * Displays or Hides contents of GUI.
    * @param shown
   public void setContentDisplay(boolean shown)
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   //**************************************** START PRIVATE METHODS ****************************************//
    * Window resize event.
   private void includeResizeEvent()
         new ComponentAdapter() 
            public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) 
    * Controls the JApplet component visibility. 
    * ESCA-JAVA0266:
   private void appletDisplayHandler()
      final String ZOOM_WARNING = 
      "It appears that web pages in your browser are zoomed out. \n\n" +
      "In order to display the applet, your browser needs to be set \n" +
      "at its default zoom level of 100% or greater. \n\n" +
      "Sorry about that.";
      if ((getWidth() < FRAME_SIZE_X) || (getHeight() < FRAME_SIZE_Y))
         if (!zoomWarningShown) 
            Message.showMessage(ZOOM_WARNING, "Browser zoom setting", "warning");
            zoomWarningShown = true;
   //***************************************** END PRIVATE METHODS *****************************************//

   //********************************************** START MAIN *********************************************//
    * Main
    * @param a
   public static void main(String[] a)
      isApplication = true;
      isVisible = true;
      new GrepRegexGui();
   //*********************************************** END MAIN **********************************************//

    * ESCA-JAVA0007:
   public JFrame frame;
   private GrepRegex grep;
   private JTextArea input; 
   private JTextField regex;
   private JButton run, copy;
   private JPanel buttonPanel;
   private Container contentPane;
   private JScrollPane scrollPane;
   private boolean zoomWarningShown;
   private GridBagConstraints constraints; 
   private JCheckBox grepInversion, ignoreCase, showLines;
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class provides a textual grep returning matching sentences.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-05-06

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class GrepRegex 

   private static final int LINE_NUMBER_LENGTH = 5;

    * Class constructor.
    * ESCA-JAVA0057:
   public GrepRegex() 


    * Adds the lines containing the regex string.
    * @param regex
    * @param lineNumber
    * @param ignoreCase
   public void addCommonLines(String regex, boolean lineNumber, boolean ignoreCase)
      for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i ++)
         if (ignoreCase)
            if (lines.get(i).toLowerCase().contains(regex.toLowerCase()))
               if (lineNumber)
                        (i+1), LINE_NUMBER_LENGTH
                     ) + ": " + lines.get(i)
            if (lines.get(i).contains(regex))
               if (lineNumber)
                        (i+1), LINE_NUMBER_LENGTH
                     ) + ": " + lines.get(i)
    * Adds the lines not containing the regex string.
    * @param regex
    * @param lineNumber
    * @param ignoreCase
   public void addUnmatchingLines(String regex, boolean lineNumber, boolean ignoreCase)
      for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i ++)
         if (ignoreCase)
            if (!lines.get(i).toLowerCase().contains(regex.toLowerCase()))
               if (lineNumber)
                        (i+1), LINE_NUMBER_LENGTH
                     ) + ": " + lines.get(i)
            if (!lines.get(i).contains(regex))
               if (lineNumber)
                        (i+1), LINE_NUMBER_LENGTH
                     ) + ": " + lines.get(i)
    * Combines the lines to a string.
    * @return
   public String combineLinesToString()
      for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i ++)
         combined += result.get(i) + "\n";
      return combined;
    * Clears the array lists.
   public void clearContainers()
      lines.clear(); result.clear();


    * Adds a line to the array list.
    * @param line
   public void addLine(String line)
    * Sets the combined text.
    * @param value
   public void setCombinedText(String value)
      combined = value;
    * Returns a line from the lines array list.
    * @param index
    * @return
   public String getLine(int index)
      return lines.get(index);
    * Returns a line from the result array list.
    * @param index
    * @return
   public String getResult(int index)
      return result.get(index);
    * Returns the lines array list length.
    * @return
   public int getLinesLength()
      return lines.size();
   private String combined; 
   ArrayList lines = new ArrayList();
   ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 -2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class defines colors and color methods.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-05-18

public class ColorFunctions

   private static final int HEXADECIMAL_BASE = 16;
   private static final int COLOR_COMPONENT_RED = 250;
   private static final int COLOR_COMPONENT_GREEN = 250;
   private static final int COLOR_COMPONENT_BLUE = 250;
   private ColorFunctions() {}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//

    * Returns the color in hexadecimal format.
    * @param sliderValue
    * @return
   public static String returnHexadecimalColor(int sliderValue)
      String compFirst = ""; String compSecond = ""; int counter = -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < HEXADECIMAL_BASE; i ++)
         compFirst = returnComponent(i);

          for (int j = 0; j < HEXADECIMAL_BASE; j ++)
             compSecond = returnComponent(j); counter ++; 
             if (counter == sliderValue)
          if (counter == sliderValue)
          "#" + compFirst + compSecond + compFirst + 
          compSecond + compFirst + compSecond
    * Return the set red color component 
    * for setting the programs background color. 
    * @return
   public static int red()
    * Return the set green color component 
    * for setting the programs background color. 
    * @return
   public static int green()
    * Return the set blue color component 
    * for setting the programs background color. 
    * @return
   public static int blue()
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//

   //**************************************** START PRIVATE METHODS ****************************************//
    * Returns the hexadecimal component.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param index
    * @return
   private static String returnComponent(int index)
      String component = "";
      switch (index)
         case 10: component = "A"; break; case 11: component = "B"; break;  
         case 12: component = "C"; break; case 13: component = "D"; break; 
         case 14: component = "E"; break; case 15: component = "F"; break;
         default: component = Integer.toString(index); break;
      return component;   
   //***************************************** END PRIVATE METHODS *****************************************//

   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 -2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class returns date and time and provides functions relating to time.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-04-18

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

public class DateAndTime 

   private static final int DAY_INDEX = 2; 
   private static final int MONTH_INDEX = 1; 
   private static final int YEAR_INDEX = 0; 
   private static final int MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
   private static final int SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60;
   private static final int MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60;
   private static final int HOURS_PER_DAY = 24;
   private static final int DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;
   private static final int DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365;
   private static final int WEEKS_IN_YEAR = 52;   
   private static final int MONTHS_IN_YEAR = 12;
   private static final int FORTNIGHTS_IN_YEAR = 26;
   private static Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
   public static enum Elements {YEAR, MONTH, DAY}

   private DateAndTime() {}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Tests and compares two dates.
    * @param dateFirst
    * @param dateSecond
    * @return
   public static boolean dateComparison(String dateFirst, String dateSecond) 
      String[] first = dateFirst.split("[-]", 0); 
      String[] second = dateSecond.split("[-]", 0);

      int firstDayInt = Integer.parseInt(first[DAY_INDEX]); 
      int firstMonthInt = Integer.parseInt(first[MONTH_INDEX]); 
      int firstYearInt = Integer.parseInt(first[YEAR_INDEX]); 
      int secondDayInt = Integer.parseInt(second[DAY_INDEX]); 
      int secondMonthInt = Integer.parseInt(second[MONTH_INDEX]); 
      int secondYearInt = Integer.parseInt(second[YEAR_INDEX]);

        compareDates(firstDayInt, firstMonthInt, 
        firstYearInt, secondDayInt, secondMonthInt, secondYearInt);

    * Compares two dates to test if one date is more current than the other. 
    * @param fstDay
    * @param fstMonth
    * @param fstYear
    * @param sndDay
    * @param sndMonth
    * @param sndYear
    * @return
   public static boolean compareDates(int fstDay, int fstMonth, 
   int fstYear, int sndDay, int sndMonth, int sndYear)
      if (sndYear > fstYear) {return true;}

      else if (sndYear < fstYear) {return false;}

         if (sndMonth > fstMonth) {return true;}

         else if (sndMonth < fstMonth) {return false;}

            if (sndDay >= fstDay) {return true;}

            else {return false;}
    * Returns true if the time given is before current time.
    * @param hour
    * @param minute
    * @param second
    * @return
   public static boolean isBeforeCurrentTime(int hour, int minute, int second)
      if (returnHour() > hour) {return true;}
      else if (returnHour() < hour) {return false;}
         if (returnMinute() > minute) {return true;}
         else if (returnMinute() < minute) {return false;}
            if (returnSecond() > second) {return true;}
            else {return false;}
    * Returns true if the time to be tested is after the reference.
    * @param hour
    * @param minute
    * @param second
    * @param testHour
    * @param testMinute
    * @param testSecond
    * @return
   public static boolean isAfterReferenceTime(int hour, int minute, 
   int second, int testHour, int testMinute, int testSecond)
      if (hour < testHour) {return true;}
      else if (hour > testHour) {return false;}
         if (minute < testMinute) {return true;}
         else if (minute > testMinute) {return false;}
            if (second < testSecond) {return true;}
            else {return false;}
    * Finds the difference between two times in hours.
    * @param startHour
    * @param startMinute
    * @param endHour
    * @param endMinute
    * @return
   public static double timeDifferenceHours(int startHour, 
   int startMinute, int endHour, int endMinute)
      double endMinutes = endHour * MINUTES_PER_HOUR + endMinute;
      double startMinutes = startHour * MINUTES_PER_HOUR + startMinute;
      return ((endMinutes - startMinutes) / MINUTES_PER_HOUR);

    * Returns true if a specified time is within one of a list of ranges.
    * @param startHour
    * @param startMinute
    * @param startSecond
    * @param finishHour
    * @param finishMinute
    * @param finishSecond
    * @param hour
    * @param minute
    * @param second
    * @param length
    * @return
   public static boolean isOverlapped(ArrayList startHour, 
   ArrayList startMinute, ArrayList startSecond, 
   ArrayList finishHour, ArrayList finishMinute, 
   ArrayList finishSecond, int hour, int minute, 
   int second, int length)

      boolean overlapped = false; 
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++)
         if (isAfterReferenceTime
         (startHour.get(i), startMinute.get(i), 
         startSecond.get(i), hour, minute, second)
         && (!isAfterReferenceTime
         (finishHour.get(i), finishMinute.get(i), 
         finishSecond.get(i), hour, minute, second)))
            overlapped = true;
     return overlapped;
    * Tests if a year is a leap year.
    * @param year
    * @return
   public static boolean isLeapYear(int year)
      boolean leapYear = false;
      final int LEAP_DIVISOR_SHORT = 4;
      final int LEAP_DIVISOR_MIDDLE = 100;
      final int LEAP_DIVISOR_LONG = 400;
      if ((year % LEAP_DIVISOR_SHORT) == 0)
         if ((year % LEAP_DIVISOR_MIDDLE) != 0)
            leapYear = true;
         if (((year % LEAP_DIVISOR_MIDDLE) == 0) 
         && ((year % LEAP_DIVISOR_LONG) == 0))
            leapYear = true;
      return leapYear;

    * Returns todays date.
    * @param includeTimeMask
    * @return
   public static String returnTodaysDate(boolean includeTimeMask)
      refreshCalendar(); now.getTime();
      String todaysDate = ""; String timeMask = "00:00:00";
      SimpleDateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM-dd");
      if (includeTimeMask)
         todaysDate = date.format(now.getTime()) + " " + timeMask;
         todaysDate = date.format(now.getTime());
      return todaysDate; 
    * Returns a specific element of a date string.
    * @param date
    * @param component
    * @return
   public static String returnSplitDate(String date, Elements component)
      String element = null;
      String[] elementArray = date.split("-");
      if (component.equals(Elements.YEAR))
         element = elementArray[0];
      if (component.equals(Elements.MONTH))
         element = elementArray[1];
      if (component.equals(Elements.DAY))
         element = elementArray[2];

      return element;

    * Returns the name of a month expressed as an integer.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param month
    * @return
   public static String returnMonthName(int month)
      String monthName = null;

      switch (month)
         case 1: monthName = "January"; break;
         case 2: monthName = "February"; break;
         case 3: monthName = "March"; break;
         case 4: monthName = "April"; break;
         case 5: monthName = "May"; break;
         case 6: monthName = "June"; break;
         case 7: monthName = "July"; break;
         case 8: monthName = "August"; break;
         case 9: monthName = "September"; break;
         case 10: monthName = "October"; break;
         case 11: monthName = "November"; break;
         case 12: monthName = "December"; break;
         default: monthName = "Invalid Input"; break;
      return monthName;
    * Returns a list of dates.
    * @param year
    * @param heading
    * @return
   public static String[] returnDateList(int year, String heading)
      ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
      if (heading != null) {list.add(heading);}
      for (int i = 1; i <= MONTHS_IN_YEAR; i ++)
         int bound = returndaysInMonth(i);
         if (isLeapYear(year) && (i == 2)) {bound ++;}
         for (int j = 1; j <= bound; j ++)
            list.add(year + "-" + returnDigitMask(i, 2) + "-" + returnDigitMask(j, 2)); 
      String[] dates = new String[list.size()];
      return dates;
    * Returns the days of a specified month.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param month
    * @return
   public static int returndaysInMonth(int month)
      int days = -1; final int SHORT = 28; 
      final int MIDDLE = 30; final int LONG = 31;
      switch (month)
         case 1: days = (LONG); break; case 2: days = (SHORT); break;
         case 3: days = (LONG); break; case 4: days = (MIDDLE); break;
         case 5: days = (LONG); break; case 6: days = (MIDDLE); break;
         case 7: days = (LONG); break; case 8: days = (LONG); break;
         case 9: days = (MIDDLE); break; case 10: days = (LONG); break;
         case 11: days = (MIDDLE); break; case 12: days = (LONG); break;  
         default: return days;         
      return days;  
    * Converts an integer to a mask.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param value
    * @param maxValueLength
    * @return
   public static String returnDigitMask(int value, int maxValueLength)
      String digit = Integer.toString(value); String trailing = "";
      if (digit.length() == maxValueLength)
         return digit;
         for (int i = digit.length(); i < maxValueLength; i ++)
            trailing += "0";
         return (trailing + digit); 
    * Returns the seconds elapsed in counter format (HH:MM:SS).
    * @param counter
    * @param millisecondCount
    * @return
   public static String returnCounterTime(long counter, boolean millisecondCount)
      String counterTime = ""; 
      setCounterHours((short)0); setCounterMinutes((short)0);
      setCounterSeconds((short)0); setCounterMilliseconds((short)0);
      final int DIGIT_LENGTH = 2; final double MILLIS_DIVISOR = 100;
      for (int i = 0; i < counter; i ++)
         if (millisecondCount) {counterMilliseconds ++;} 
         else {counterSeconds ++;}
         if (counterMilliseconds == MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND) 
         {setCounterMilliseconds((short)0); counterSeconds ++;}
         if (counterSeconds == SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) 
         {setCounterSeconds((short)0); counterMinutes ++;}
         if (counterMinutes == MINUTES_PER_HOUR) 
         {setCounterMinutes((short)0); counterHours ++;}
      if (millisecondCount) 
         counterTime = ":" + (int)Math.floor(getCounterMilliseconds() / MILLIS_DIVISOR);
      counterTime = 
         returnDigitMask(getCounterHours(), DIGIT_LENGTH) + ":" +
         returnDigitMask(getCounterMinutes(), DIGIT_LENGTH) + ":" +
         returnDigitMask(getCounterSeconds(), DIGIT_LENGTH) + counterTime
      return counterTime;
    * Returns the formatted time (24 hour or standard)
    * @param twentyFourHour
    * @return
   public static String returnFormattedTime(boolean twentyFourHour)
      refreshCalendar(); String time = ""; 
      DateFormat full = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
      DateFormat standard = new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm:ss");
      if (twentyFourHour) {time = full.format(now.getTime());}
      else {time = standard.format(now.getTime());}
      return time;   
    * Returns the day at the start of the given year.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param year
    * @return
   public static int returnStartDayAsInt(int year)
      Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
      return (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK));
    * Returns the day at the start of the given year.
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param year
    * @return
   public static int returnEndDayAsInt(int year)
      Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.DECEMBER, 31);
      return (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK));
    * Returns the specific day of week as an integer.
    * 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday ...
    * ESCA-JAVA0076:
    * @param year
    * @param month
    * @param day
    * @return
   public static int returnDayOfWeekAsInt(int year, int month, int day)
      Calendar cal = null; 

      switch (month)
         case 1: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.JANUARY, day); break;
         case 2: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.FEBRUARY, day); break;
         case 3: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.MARCH, day); break;
         case 4: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.APRIL, day); break;
         case 5: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.MAY, day); break;  
         case 6: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.JUNE, day); break;
         case 7: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.JULY, day); break;
         case 8: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.AUGUST, day); break;
         case 9: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, day); break;
         case 10: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.OCTOBER, day); break;
         case 11: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.NOVEMBER, day); break;
         case 12: cal = new GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.DECEMBER, day); break;
         default: return (-1);
      return (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK));
    * Returns a list of years between the given 
    * parameter and the current year.
    * @param year
    * @return
   public static String[] returnYearChoices(int year)
      int difference = Math.abs(returnYear() - year);
      String[] choices = new String[difference +1];
      if (year < returnYear())
         for (int i = 0; i <= difference; i ++)
            choices[i] = Integer.toString(year + i);
      if (year > returnYear())
         for (int i = 0; i <= difference; i ++)
            choices[i] = Integer.toString(returnYear() + i); 
      return choices;

    * Returns a list for seconds.
    * @return
   public static String[] returnSecondChoices()
      String[] secondList = new String[SECONDS_PER_MINUTE];
      for (int i = 0; i < SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; i ++)  
         secondList[i] = Integer.toString(i);
      return secondList;
    * Returns a list for minutes.
    * @return
   public static String[] returnMinuteChoices()
      String[] minuteList = new String[MINUTES_PER_HOUR];
      for (int i = 0; i < MINUTES_PER_HOUR; i ++)  
         minuteList[i] = Integer.toString(i);
      return minuteList;
    * Returns a list for hours.
    * @return
   public static String[] returnHourChoices()
      String[] hourList = new String[HOURS_PER_DAY];
      for (int i = 0; i < HOURS_PER_DAY; i ++)  
         hourList[i] = Integer.toString(i);
      return hourList;
    * Returns the current year.
    * @return
   public static int returnYear()

      return (now.get(Calendar.YEAR));
    * Returns the current year.
    * @return
   public static int returnMonth()
      return (now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);
    * Returns the current year.
    * @return
   public static int returnDay()
      return (now.get(Calendar.DATE));
    * Returns the hour in double digits.
    * @return
   public static String returnHourDouble()
      return returnDigitMask(returnHour(), 2);
    * Returns the minute in double digits.
    * @return
   public static String returnMinuteDouble()
      return returnDigitMask(returnMinute(), 2);
    * Returns the second in double digits.
    * @return
   public static String returnSecondDouble()
      return returnDigitMask(returnSecond(), 2);
    * Returns the hour.
    * @return
   public static int returnHour()
      DateFormat hours = new SimpleDateFormat("HH");
      return (Integer.parseInt(hours.format(now.getTime())));

    * Returns the minutes.
    * @return
   public static int returnMinute()
      DateFormat minutes = new SimpleDateFormat("mm");
      return (Integer.parseInt(minutes.format(now.getTime())));
    * Returns the seconds.
    * @return
   public static int returnSecond()
      DateFormat seconds = new SimpleDateFormat("ss");
      return (Integer.parseInt(seconds.format(now.getTime())));
    * Returns the current stage of the day as AM or PM.
    * @return
   public static String returnAmOrPm()
      DateFormat ampm = new SimpleDateFormat("a");
      return (ampm.format(now.getTime()));   
    * Returns the days in a year.
    * @param year
    * @return
   public static int returnDays(int year)
      if (DateAndTime.isLeapYear(year))
         return getDaysLeapYear();
         return DateAndTime.getDaysNormalYear();
    * Refreshes the calendar.
   public static void refreshCalendar()
      now = Calendar.getInstance();
    * Sets the counter hours.
    * @param value
   public static void setCounterHours(short value) {counterHours = value;}
    * Sets the counter minutes.
    * @param value
   public static void setCounterMinutes(short value) {counterMinutes = value;}
    * Sets the counter seconds.
    * @param value
   public static void setCounterSeconds(short value) {counterSeconds = value;}
    * Sets the counter milliseconds.
    * @param value
   public static void setCounterMilliseconds(short value) {counterMilliseconds = value;}
    * Returns the counter hours.
    * @return
   public static short getCounterHours() {return counterHours;}
    * Returns the counter minutes.
    * @return
   public static short getCounterMinutes() {return counterMinutes;}
    * Returns the counter seconds.
    * @return
   public static short getCounterSeconds() {return counterSeconds;}
    * Returns the counter milliseconds.
    * @return
   public static short getCounterMilliseconds() {return counterMilliseconds;}
    * Returns the days in a week.
    * @return
   public static int getDaysInWeek() {return DAYS_IN_WEEK;}

    * Returns the days in a year.
    * @return
   public static int getDaysNormalYear() {return DAYS_IN_YEAR;}
    * Returns the days in a year.
    * @return
   public static int getDaysLeapYear() {return (DAYS_IN_YEAR + 1);}
    * Returns the weeks in a year.
    * @return
   public static int getWeeksInYear() {return WEEKS_IN_YEAR;}
    * Returns the fort-nights in a year.
    * @return
   public static int getFortnightsInYear() {return FORTNIGHTS_IN_YEAR;}
    * Returns the months in a year.
    * @return
   public static int getMonthsInYear() {return MONTHS_IN_YEAR;}
    * Returns the seconds per minute.
    * @return
   public static int getSecondsPerMinute() {return SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;}
    * Returns the seconds per minute.
    * @return
   public static int getHoursPerWeek() {return HOURS_PER_DAY * DAYS_IN_WEEK;}
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   private static short counterHours, counterMinutes, counterSeconds, counterMilliseconds;
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//

   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class returns the domain attributes.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2012-07-06

public class Domain 
   private static final String DOMAIN = "javaika.com";

   private static final boolean RUN_LOCAL = false; 
   private static final boolean prefix = true;
   private static final String PORT = "80";
   private Domain() {}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//
    * Returns the domain name.
    * @return
   public static final String getDomain()
      if (prefix)
         return ("www." + DOMAIN);
         return (DOMAIN);
    * Returns the port number.
    * @return
   public static final String getPort()
      if (RUN_LOCAL)
         return (":" + PORT);
      else {return ("");} 
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//


   COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 - 2013 by Alexander Wait. All Rights Reserved.

   This class displays message dialogs.

   @site http://www.javaika.com
   @author Alexander Wait
   @version 2011-07-18

import javax.swing.*;

public class Message

   private Message(){}
   //**************************************** START PUBLIC METHODS *****************************************//

    * Displays a message dialog.
    * @param text
    * @param heading
    * @param type 
   public static void showMessage(String text, String heading, String type)
      new JOptionPane(); Object[] options = {}; 

      if (type.equals("error"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading,  
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, options, null);

      if (type.equals("information"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading, 
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, options, null);

      if (type.equals("warning"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading, 
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, null);

      if (type.equals("question"))
         JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, text, heading, 
         JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, null);
   //***************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************//
   //********************************************** END CLASS **********************************************//